Chapter Four: Team Forces vs. The Deadly Six

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The Deadly Six and Team Forces all got ready to fight each other. Amy got out her hammer, Espio got out his kunai, and the others just got into a fighting position.

Zazz: (Evilly) We tried to take your medallions the easy way, but I guess if we want them, we're just gonna have to kill you guys for them!

Vector: (Angry) Yeah, I don't think that's gonna be so easy!

Espio: (Angry) If you want our medallions, your gonna need to get them from us!

Zomon: (Evilly) Challenge accepted!

Amy: Cream, Blaze, go hide somewhere, it's not safe over here!

Cream and Blaze did what they were told and ran away from the scene. The Deadly Six and Team Forces then started to fight. Knuckles fighting Zavok, Tails fighting Zazz, Vector fighting Zomon, Espio fighting Master Zik, Charmy fighting Zor, Silver fighting Zeena, and Amy fighting Infinite.

Tails and Zazz were fighting towards the headquaters, with Tails using his lighting powers on Zazz and Zazz throwing stars at Tails.

Tails: I guess you're kinda shocked that we'll be beating you tonight!

Zazz: (Evilly) Wanna bet, Foxy?!

Zazz hit Tails woth one of his stars, causing him to get pushed into a tree.

Zazz: (Evilly) That'll shut you up!

Knuckles and Zavok were fighting towards a rock, with both of them punching each other.

Knuckles: Take that! Yeah, you're going down! I got you just where I want you, Zavok!

Amy, who was over by a bush fighting Infinite was looking at Knuckles with a confused look.

Amy: Uh, Knuckles? You do realize that you're not even punching Zavok, right?

Knuckles looked up at Zavok and saw that he wasn't even punching Zavok. Instead Zavok was holding onto his head. Zavok then flicked Knuckles into the garbage bin.

Knuckles: (Disgusted) Blech! 

The stench of the garbage bin was too much for Knuckles to handle and he quickly covered his nose.

Knuckles: (Disgusted) (Nose Covered) Out of all the places Zavok had to throw me to, why did he choose the garbage bin.

Vector and Zomom were fighting towards a lake, with both of them also punching each other.

Vector: You might wanna get ready to get rooooooooooock to your core!

Zomom: (Evilly) And you might wanna get ready to get bonked by a bone!

Zomom hit Vector on the head with a bone, which made Vector fall into the lake.

Espio and Master Zik were fighting towards a tree, with Espio in his camoflauge form in the tree waiting for the right moment to strike Master Zik and Master Zik was looking for him.

Master Zik: (Evilly) Where is that wannabee ninja?

Espio: (Whispering in his camoflauge form) Gotcha!

Espio got out his kunai as he jumped out of the tree and got ready to pounce at Master Zik, but he noticed and grabbed onto the chameleon ninja's arm.

Master Zik: (Evilly) Well, well, well, you actually thought you could attack me. You really are a wannabee ninja.

Espio: (Shocked) I-impossible!

Charmy and Zor were fighting towards a flower field, with Charmy using his tornado powers on Zor and Zor using his magic on Charmy.

Charmy: Tonight's forcast calls for cloudy with a chance of tornadoes!

Zor: (Evilly) Well my forcast calls for a tree bee!

Zor used his magic and hit the tornado back at Charmy, which flung the bee into a tree.

Charmy: (Dizzy) Does anyone know where that purple elephant with pink polka-dots and a tu-tu went?

Silver and Zeena were fighting towards The Victory Garden, with SIlver using his sheild powers to protect him while Zeena was trying to punch him.

Zeena: (Angry) Give it up already, hedgehog!

Silver: (Terrified) Leave me alone!

Silver got so stressed out that the sheild he made accidently hit Zeena and pushed her onto the ground, which ruined her hair.

Zeena: (Pissed off) My hair! MY... HAIR!!! YOU STUPID HEDGEHOG!!! YOU RUINED MY HAIR!

Zeena ran up to SIlver and grabbed his front quills.

Infinite: (Watching from a distance) That's right, Deadly Six! Now take their medallions!

Just as The Deadly Six were about to grab the medallions, Blaze and Cream jumped in front of them and stopped them.

Cream: (Angry) Step away from our friends!

Cheese: (Angry) Chao chao!

Amy: Girls, what are you doing?

Blaze: We couldn't just leave our friend hanging!

Just as Blaze and Cream were about to attack The Deadly Six, Infinite used his powers to trap them in a red bubble.

Amy: Oh no!

Zazz: (Evilly) Hippity hoppity, you're medallions are our property!

Tails: (Annoyed) That wasn't even close to a good line.

Vector: (Worried) You might wanna think of something soon before we wind up powerless, Amy!

Amy: Don't worry, you guys, we'll teach them a lesson with a little something called medallion magic!

Charmy: Yes!!! Medallions all the way!!!

Amy: Power Up!

Team Forces all started to float and a big rainbow lazer shot towards Infinite and The Deadly Six and knocked them back over to the Egg Fleet. After that happened, Knuckles used his strenght and freed Blaze and Cream from the bubble.

Tails: You guys okay?

Blaze: Yeah. Thanks for saving us, you guys.

Espio: It's what we do.

Amy: Who wants to go back inside and finish the movie?

Cream: Sounds like a great idea, Amy!

Cheese: Chao chao chao chao chao!

The Gang all went back into the Team Forces Headquaters to finish the rest of their movie night.

Sonic Forces: Comic Dub: The Good, The Bad, And The Deadly SixWhere stories live. Discover now