Daily struggle

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The small child woke up as she looked at the familiar wooden roof with moss and water dripping down. Flower confused sits up as she looks in her pocket as she sees the acorn. Sighing she gets up a from her bean bag bed as she goes to the door. But before she could do anything she paused as something caught the corner of her eye.
A giant black spider.
Flower screams as she ran out and up ths stairs.
"God danmit brat shut up"said a deep voice as he storms over as slapped her. Flower whimpers and points at the door as the male growls annoyed blue heat waves radiating off him causing the child to back away.
"Babe i have a headache"said a new voice.
The child turns seeing a drunk woman laying on the couch. Flower was confused since she's never seen the woman but she figured she dyed her hair since last week the woman had brown instead of red hair.
The male turns as he ran over.
"I know i know come here.."he said neglecting his child and going to the woman. Flower goes to the door as her (e/c) looks out the window next to it.
'Its going to snow soon' she thinks as she looks at the jackets. She goes to change before running back opening the door she felt the cold breeze as she tensed and shivers. She had on overalls and short sleeves since her father always bought beer and alcohol instead of clothes. She grabs her books and got ready to leave. But something stopped her.
She looks back at the jackets that where her fathers as she tried to grab one before they where snatched away.
"You little theif! Get going!"her father snaps as he kicked her out casuing her to fall onto the cold concrete floor. She shivers as she stands up grabs the books and hugged herself before running the direction to the school.

She hated the cold.
For fair reasons.

She sat in her corner as she did the work which she found rather simple. When she finished sh slept as usual embracing the warmth of the classroom.
Lunch was okay.
Because she didn't like the idea of constantly being tossed into the trash she preferred to simple go outside and find something to eat.
Flower sighs as she found a small patch of grass. She sat there and ate as she shivers to the cold.
Sneezing and shivering the small girl returned.

During nap time she was interrupted with cheers from her classmates talking about how it was snowing.
Flower frowns meaning she would have to walk throught that.

And she did. Her ears where flat her tail wrapped around her body closely as she slowly took her steps home, Holding her five heavy books close while the wind almost blew her down. People noticed but said nothing simply letting the child suffer in the cold with now ripped shoes. It soon became dark as the child whimpers since both the wind and snow had slowed her down. She could hardy feel parts of her body she sneezed as her nose was runny and her books slowly became heavier to the point it began to hurt. Her vision became blurry as she stumbled forwards.

A rather flighty hero soars through the sky as he looks around making sure people where safe ad no one was being sneaky. His eye caught something moving slowly in the cold. Confused he began to fly downwards as thinking it was an old lady.
His eyes widen seeing it was a child as he lands in front of her causing the child to tense and fall back but the hero caught her now kneeling down.
'Danm she's ice cold' he thinks as he looks at her her fingers had changed color as snow completely covered her.
"Why are you out here ?" he asks. The child looked at him as she leans to his warmer hands aqzbefore she stumbled into his chest as she hums to his body warmth still shivering as she sneezed. Hawks sighs wiping off the snow as he takes off his jacket and wraps the small girl around her before picking her up and flying to his penthouse.
The small child hums to the warmth as she looks at the hero who placed her in front of the fire as he closed the balcony off and turns the heater on.
The small child trembled due to the cold and lack of warmth when he left her.
"Don't worry baby girl i got you"he said running around as he searched for things to warm up. He ran over as he picks up the freezing child.
"Hawks is here"he said gently as flower relaxed in the wing hero's hold

"Come on lets get you warmed up"he said before leading her to the restroom and started a bath before letting the child bathe. But he stayed in case she sunk into the tub.
After he gave her an shirt and wrapped her in s blanket as he sat her up and gave her some warm curry as she was first hesitant since she's never eaten normal food.
"Don't worry i'm a pretty good cook"he said. The child trusted him as she takes a bite.
A wave of flavor rushed into her body plus the warm feeling inside her made her warm up quicker as she ate most of it.
She felt strange normally she was always hungry now she felt satisfied but she had a familiar icky feeling.

Hawks sighs
"Thought i could beat the cold..."he sighed. "How long where you out there?"he asked as he picks her up and goes to a extra room. He was glad he decided to clean it up since he would have to share his room which he didn't mind he just didn't want to make the child uncomfortable.
The child looks away.
Hawks sighs.
"Imma guess a few hours..."he said as he placed her to bed.
Flower eyes widen before relaxing she's never felt anything so soft and comfortable. She sighs as she closed her eyes almost instantly falling asleep.
Hawks was shocked before he chuckled.
"Guess i'll ask for your name tommorrow "he said with a smile as he left the room and allows the child he saved to rest.

Beneath the cold. Hawks x child reader Where stories live. Discover now