*Chapter Six* What's left of me

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*Avielle's POV*

It seems like this is the second time i've had this feeling, or maybe this sight, a heavy black cloud blocking my vision. Nothing to see, nothing to hear, all i could do is wait for any signs of waking, or is this really a trip before death?

I wanted to cry, to scream so my voice would be heard, to remind them what they did to me, to release the pressure of all the problems facing me, but I can't. I feel numb. What did i do to deserve this?

I focused on the movements my eyes spotted in the darkness only to realize they're my past memories. All of them slowly passing before my eyes and i have no control to stop them, every single tragic incident. 

I always hated sleep, it seems like it was a chance to think of every possible bad thing that I've ever done or witnessed, decrease my self-confidence to below zero, repeating what my mind was mind trying to forget for 5 years just to come in a flash. Even with the horrible thoughts i managed to drift to sleep, I didn't want to see the horrific sight of my body.


"Her vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure are reported as stable and normal, she's just resting. We'll be expecting her to wake up soon, Mr Chimney"

I woke up to the sound of two blurry voices talking or more like someone's most likely spitting fire and the other is talking calmly and professionally as if he did this everyday.

"The last time you said that, she almost got into a coma!" I could imagine the anger dripping off this person's mouth.

"I'm sorry sir, what matters now is that she's comfortable and in a normal state, we'll be taking our leave now"


I heard the clicking of feet and a door slamming shut. Someone sighs and i can hear the creaks of the chair next to me as he sits on it, followed by the clicking on a phone.

"Hey sweetie.....No she didn't wake up...yes i'm gonna wait for her...ok by the way can you bring food with you, god knows what kind of outdated medicals they put in hospitals food.....yeah thank, i love you too. Bye"

Finally after having the control of moving my body, I moved my eyes a little before opening them slowly. The moment i opened my eyes, an excruciating pain pounded through my head like someone's hammering on it repeatedly. The lights were blinding me, forcing me to close my eyes again.

Who the hell suggested to let the light in, didn't they know it's the first thing to blind any poor patient while he's unconscious?

I groaned, catching the attention of the person sitting next to me, he had his head in his hands silently murmuring something i couldn't quite identify.

I blinked a couple of times, adjusting the light. I tried to sit up but it's like a huge rock is holding me down.

"Don't sit Avielle, you're black and blue from head to toe. Don't make it much worse." someone put hand on my shoulder, i panicked since i couldn't see him.

"L-light-" I croaked, my mouth feeling dry after sleeping for too long.

"S-Shit, sorry" he gets up from his position and closes the curtain, allowing me to relax a bit.

He grabs a cup of water and brings it to my mouth.

"Drink, your throat must be completely dry" he instructed.

Not even realizing i was so thirsty, i drank in one big gulp. Feeling a lot better, i rubbed my eyes a little before fixing them on the person in front me.

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