A Lady isn't Born but Made

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The aristocrat above

"Stop, thief!" The loud guard's deep voice jump started Katherine into a full run, clutching the bread in one hand and her rugged skirts in the other.

Mud and other things that lined the streets splashed on to her bare feet as the slapped across the road, hoping to get away from the guards. She needed this bread desperately. Katherine couldn't remember the last time she had eaten and if she was going to survive, this loaf of bread was a necessity.

With a small, quick glance over her shoulder, she saw at least five of the guards chasing after her.

"Mademoiselle! Stop in the name of the-" Katherine didn't hear them, though.

Instead, she heard the thundering of the hooves that echoed towards her. A small gasp escaped her lips as she fell to the ground and rolled out of the way of the speeding carriage that was coming to a stop.

Katherine looked down at her hand which had landed in the mud. Stupid guards ruined my bread!

A guard came up behind her and yanked her up, making her dropped the ruined piece of bread into more mud.

"You, little missy, are in a large heap of trouble. Enjoy your time in jail." The guard started to carry her off.
It was one piece of bread!

From the carriage, a gloved hand reached  out of the window as a voice called out, "Wait."

The guard stopped and turned her towards the voice. A footman stepped down and opened the carriage door. He held out his hand, which was met with the gloves hand. An elaborately dressed aristocrat stepped down into the mud, ruining the bottom of her skirt. The guard straightened up, "Mademoiselle, I promise she will be punished for what she did."

The guard pulled her behind him as the aristocrat began to speak, "Do not worry about what she has done for she is hungry. You would be in the same position if you were in the streets. You are lucky the king pays to fill that big belly of yours."

The guard opened and shut his mouth again.

"What is your name, child?" The lady asked, stepping closer to Katherine.

Katherine looked up from behind the tall guard at the aristocrat looking down at her, "Bring her closer please."

The guard shoved Katherine closer to the woman. The aristocrat gripped her chin. Katherine tossed her head, trying to get free of this woman's hand.

"I asked you name, my darling."

Her voice was too rich and soft, while she stood tall and proud staring down at the peasant they called Katherine

"Katherine, Mademoiselle." She replied.

The Lady nodded her head slightly and continued to take in her appearance, "Let her go."

The other guard sputtered, "Excuse my hearing, but did you say 'let her go'? Mademoiselle, this young lady just stole bread from the baker, she is not deemed innocent. She is a disgusting criminal."

The woman's eyes narrowed as she said, "I said let her go, please. I will take matters into my own hands."

The guard pushed Katherine forward towards the aristocrat, "Better not see you again on my street, rat." He spat before leaving her.

The aristocrat turned and climbed back into her carriage. Katherine simply stared in shock as the woman beckoned her coward with a curl of her finger, "Come along, Katherine. Join me."

Katherine gingerly climbed into the carriage after the aristocrat and sat down on the plush seats. "If this is about the bread..." Katherine started cautiously. She really didn't want to end up in prison. Katherine knew that once a person went to the prison, they didn't come back alive.

The aristocrat held up her hand, "Were you a prostitute at any time in your life?"

"Excuse me?" Katherine questioned, surprise slamming her in the face. Katherine couldn't believe the audacity of this woman.

"Answer the question." The aristocrat snapped.

"No, I haven't been one of those things before. Why does it matter to you anyway? My past-"

"No longer matters to me, Katherine. What matters to me now is your future. Your beauty is undeniable and I am in need of a new accomplice and you, my darling, fit the missing piece."

Katherine's mouth fell open, "Me? But I am a peasant girl! I know nothing about being a lady or dancing or—"

"Well, yes, a Lady is not born but made. Are we good now?" the woman didn't wait for a reply. She tapped on the window as to signal the driver to move on. "Good, we will start tomorrow, Katherine. Let us get you home with a nice hot bath and a good meal. After that, we will start your lessons." The woman pulled of her gloves and gave her a warm smile, "Oh, and one more thing, you may address me as Eleanor. Lady Eleanor."

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