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I held the phone in my slightly shaky hand. There, on the screen was an image. An image I never imagined seeing.

My best friend-Jake's penis. His massive, throbbing dick.

It awoke something inside of me, something that made me press my thighs together and glance over to check my bedroom door was locked-which it was.

Hesitantly, I stood up from my bed and walked to my window, which happened to be exactly opposite Jake's. Their family and mine had been close since they became our neighbours. Jake and I had become best friends within days of knowing each other. We were inseparable.

I looked out of the window and found my eyes lock with a familiar pair of ocean blue ones. They were clouded over with what was clearly lust and as my gaze travelled down his body I realised why.

His chest was bare as were his legs, and the black Calvin Klein boxers he wore did nothing to conceal his huge erection.
When I met his eyes again, he was smirking-he clearly noticed my travelling eyes.
What shocked me, however, was when his hand moved to his bulge and squeezed slightly.

I crossed my legs and tried to ignore the wetness gathering in my panties.

He continued to squeeze then release his bulge a few times before starting to shamelessly rub his length up and down through the light material.

His eyes roamed my body, landing firmly on my covered chest. I knew what he wanted but the question was, did I want to give in?
My question was answered as a trail of liquid ran tauntingly down my inner thigh.

Slowly, I lifted my shirt over my head to reveal the cream bra underneath. I silently cursed myself for wearing such plain undergarments but Jake's hungry gaze soon distracted me.

A small stain had appeared on his boxers where he had clearly leaked precum. I smiled inwardly and proceeded to remove my bra, while keeping my eyes trained on his slowly moving hand.

Next, I hooked my fingers on the waistband of my skirt and let it fall to the floor in one swift movement.

Jake's eyes widened slightly and his hand began to speed  up. He was now focused entirely on my bare legs.

I sat down carefully on the floor before spreading my legs and bending my knees. He now had a clear view of the wet patch on my knickers.

I took two fingers and teasingly moved the fabric of my underwear aside. His eyes burned holes in my bare heat and his hand slipped into his boxers.

I circled my clit a few times before plugging a finger into my pussy. I gasped in pleasure and remembered that my parents were working late- I could be as loud as I wanted.

My eyes caught movement in Jake's window and I watched as he released from his boxers his giant throbbing cock. At this point he was pumping it furiously and I began pumping my finger in sync with his hand.

I added a second finger, then a third and felt the pleasure building in my stomach. I glanced at Jake and a slight tilt of his head gave me permission to cum.

I spread my legs wider and trusted my fingers faster, harder and deeper until I couldn't hold back my screams of pleasure.
I felt a wave of pleasure as a flood of liquid squirted out of my pussy. My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my hips bucked and I lost all control of my body.

After a few minutes I looked up to see Jake furiously pumping his cock, his mouth was moving and I could imagine all the dirty moans and grunts coming from him.

Only a moment later spurts of cum were flying against his window, it went everywhere. The thick ropes coated the whole window and only after a minute or so did it stop.

It took another moment before Jake wiped it off and smirked at me. I knew exactly what that smirk meant and it made me aroused all over again.

We are definitely fucking later.

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