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I lay back on my bed and sighed. It had been a very long day.
After school I went straight to my job at the diner where it was unusually busy and I only got home at 8.30pm.

My mother had left a note saying that she was working late so I lay wondering what to do with the whole house to myself.
An idea suddenly sprang to mind- something that would certainly ease my tension and make me relax.

I grabbed my phone, calling my most hated enemy- Cole. We had an arrangement, both of us enjoyed having sex (his dick is huge) so we agreed to be enemies with benefits.
After a very quick phone conversation he agreed to come over and 'help me de-stress'.

I started shutting all the curtains in the house before stripping off my clothes until I was left butt naked. I began imagining how I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow

The sound of the doorbell brought me out of my fantasising and when I opened the front door he flew inside, slamming the door roughly behind him.

Neither of us said anything but he began removing his clothes, first his shirt-revealing a delightfully likable set of abs.
I walked closed to him then dropped to my knees, fiddling with his buckle until his jeans fell down. I smirked up at him, noticing the large erection in his boxers.

Slowly, I dragged the material down to his ankles and came face to face with his cock.

My hand reached for his ballsack and began squeezing a little as I leaned forward and gently licked his tip.

I opened my mouth and leaned forward, taking just the head in my mouth, then started to suck and swish my tongue around.
Above me, I heard him grunt and a hand grabbed my hair, pushing my mouth to take more of his length. I gagged and looked up at him through my damp lashed as his hand bobbed my head up and down.

"shit you are so fucking hot- I'm gonna cum-uh"
He froze and released his hot semen down my throat. I swallowed then pulled back,still on my knees looking up at him.
"oh fuck this"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me up, directing me towards the kitchen and lifting me onto the counter.

I groaned as my heat came into contact with the cold surface but was soon distracted by Cole's lips on mine.

Without breaking the kiss, I bet my knees and spread my legs, aching to feel him fill me.
He pulled me to the edge of the counter and aligned his cock with my hole, teasing at my lips.
As he thrusted all the way in, I threw my head back and moaned loudly, thankful we had no neighbours.

Cole had his eyes trained on my breasts as he lifted me off the counter, I wrapped my legs around him and he pressed my back against a wall.
He started thrusting hard, my back banged against the wall repeatedly but I didn't care, the pleasure was overwhelming.
"uh-uh-ah-Ah, oh baby don't stop"
He listed and continued pounding into me at a superhuman speed, I felt myself tighten and squeeze his cock before releasing my juices.
He pumped a few more times before pulled out and spraying him liqued all over my boobs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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