A Bright Future

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Lewis runs back to his school, dragging his red cart that held his Memory Scanner. He sides to a stop in the hallway, when he remembers something. "Wait a minute!" He drops the handle of the cart and runs outside to the baseball field.

He watches baseball get knock into the sky, hurling towards a sleeping Goob. "GOOB! GOOB, WAKE UP!" Lewis yelled, watching his roommate up just in time, for the ball to land right in his glove. "What?" Goob looks down at the baseball amazed, as his team came running over to celebrate. "NICE CATCH KID!" Coach told him as everyone cheered, Lewis smiles at the sight.

Lewis then continued on his way, dragging the cart into the gym that was still a wreck. "Mr Willerstein, I know what went wrong. Can I have one more chance? Please!" He begged his teacher, who looks unsure. "My ride isn't here yet, so fire it up." Lucille told him, Lewis smiles.

"I need a volunteer." He told her, and she smiles raising her hand. Lewis sets up the Memory Scanner, while everyone else in the gym set up a barricade to protect themselves. "Now, just give me a date to input." Lewis told her.

"Well, now, let's see. There's my first science fair, the day I got my first microscope, the time I swam the English Channel, my first gold medal for the luge. Ooh! I know." She leans down to whisper in Lewis' ear, who smiles. "Perfect!"

Lewis type in the date and the machine comes to life, everyone behind the barricade coward in fear. But the Memory Scanner didn't explode or malfunctioned at all. The screen show two ladies in dresses. "You look gorgeous." One of them said. "He's a lucky guy." The other said, as the screen turn to show it's playing from Lucille's memory.

"Oh! It works." Lucille said amazed and emotional. "It works?" The gym coach asked, stunned, as everyone left their heads out from behind the barricade. "It works." Lewis said to himself, smiling.

"You look beautiful, Lucille." Her father in the memory told her, as he walked her down the aisle. The screen turns to look at the man waiting, who had his clothes on backwards, with a smily face drawn on the back of his head. "Bud?!" Lewis asked, shocked.

"Would you look at that?" Lewis jump at the sound of his soon to be father next to him. He turns to see a younger Bud right there, watching the memory. "Honey! Honey, you're just in time." His wife told him, taking off the helmet. "Lucille!" Lewis said pointing at her, putting together the pieces of how his new life is coming together.

Mr. Willerstein runs up to his student, taking the helmet from Lucille. "You did it, Lewis! You did it! This invention is brilliant!" He told him. "Kid, you're this fair's MVP!" Couch told him.

"That was some show you put on. You're a real special kid." Bud told him, Lewis smiled up at his father. "...but ummm...." He then said, making the smile drop, worry something is wrong. "...you don't look like a Lewis. You look more like a..."

Lewis smirk knowing where this is going. "Cornelius. I get that a lot." He told him, suddenly a frog jumps onto Bud's head. "Oh, no! Sorry, mister." A little girl said, coming up to retrieved her frog. Bud chuckle, taking the frog off his head and handing him back to the little girl. "No harm done."

The little girl smile at him, before he turn to her frog angrily. "Franky, what have I told you about running away?" She asked the frog carrying him back to her box. "Franky?" Lewis asked, walking over to her.

"My star pupil!" She told him, before she toss the frog into the box. "My name's Franny, and I teach frogs music." She told him. "Really?" He asked smiling at her, the young Franny nodded. "You know that frogs have more musical ability than people? But nobody believes me. They all think I'm crazy." She pauses and look at Lewis seriously. "You think I'm crazy, too." She said, causing Lewis to shake his head. "No. No, I think you're right." He told her, making Franny smile and blush.

"Over here? There he is." A reporter said pushing through the crowd to shake Lewis' hand. "Kid, we'd like to get a story on you for the local paper. You've got a bright future ahead of you." Lewis looks over at his soon to be parents and future wife. He smiles and he thinks back on the family he gonna have in the future. "Yeah."

25 years later
Cornelius is at his desk, hitting the eraser end of his pencil on his chin, as he tries to think of something new to make. Unfortunately he was in a bit of a slump. "Dad! Dad! Dad!" Cornelius turn away from his desk, to see a seven year old Wilbur bouncing up the stairs, running up to him.

"Wilbur, did you have fun at school today?" He asked his son, who nodded. "Uh-huh! We got this new kid in class today and I invited her over!" He announced, Cornelius rise an eyebrow. "Her?" He asked, Wilbur turn to the stairs. "Come on, (Name)!"

A seven year old girl with (hair color) hair, slowly came up the steps, very shy like. This was very different from the (Name) Cornelius meet when he was twelve. "She's kind of shy." Wilbur told his father. "Come on (Name)! Come meet my Dad!" He told the girl, who made her way over.

"N-nice to meet you, Mr. Robinson." She said looking down and playing with the bottom of her shirt. "It's nice to meet you too, (Name). I hope you take good care of Wilbur for me. He needs someone to watch his back." He told the girl, who look up at him. "I-I'll try my best." Cornelius smile at her. "I know you will." He said ruffling her hair.

"We're going to go play now." Wilbur told his father, grabbing (Name's) hand and dragging her back to the stairs to go play somewhere else in the house. Cornelius smiled at the two, when inspiration hit him. He turns back to his desk and starts drawing up a design of Jet Boots, for when (Name) gets older in the future.

"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
-Walt Disney

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