Hospital wing

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It was finally Saturday, my favorite day of the week. No school, just relaxation. I sleeping peacefully until Amy decided to wake me up.

"Hey Y/n" Amy sang.

"Go away I'm tired." I say trying to go back to sleep.

"Well today is the day." Amy said.

"What the fuck does that mean." I say sitting up from my bed.

"It means I have a date today." She said smiling.

"UM WHAT." I say excited.

"I know." She said.

"With who?" I asked.

"Malfoy." Amy responded

"Wait Draco Malfoy." I said.

"Yeah, we're going to get breakfast, I'm gonna go get ready now." Amy said.

Really Malfoy asked her on a date? I mean it's not like I'm jealous, I have Mattheo. Wait an I jealous?! Hell no I have a boyfriend. I started thinking but got cut off by Amy opening the door.

"Woah woah woah your leaving all ready?" I said.

"Yep Dracos waiting for me." She said.

"Oh ok bye." I said.

"Byeeeeee." She said and left.

Amy just left but soon after, I heard the door open again.

"What did you forget somethi- Mattheo?!" I said.

"Can you meet me at the Astronomy Tower." He said in more of a demanding tone.

"Ok?" And with that he left.

I got ready for the day and made my way to the Astronomy Tower. As I was walking I was twirling my wand in my hand cause that's something I do subconsciously. I got in the tower and saw Mattheo.

"Hey." I cheerfully.

"Hey I have to tell you something." He said.

"Oh... well what is it." I said curious of what he would say.

"♡♧₩♡■◇□●○☆" he said

"W- what the fuck." You said in a confused tone.

"Um Y/n you ok." Amy said.

"Huh what happened." You asked.

"Well... Mattheo said you blacked out and he brought you here the hospital wing, but you do have a concussion from the fall." She explained.

"Wow, uh wheres Theo?" I ask.

"I don't know." Amy replied.

"Ok well, how was your date with Malfoy." I smirk.

"Ha it was good." She said.

"Oh come on tell me the details." I said.

So me and Amy talked for a while and it was getting late so she left. I had to stay at the hospital wing cause the concussion.

A/n: yeah so I'm going to do slow updates now. Also hope you enjoy reading this chapter, I kinda don't really like this one but I hope y'all do 😋✌.

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