Day 3

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Okay, so for this part of the story. The letter "L" in front of a name means little.

It was another day for the Futures and class 1-A. As today was Monday, class 1-A had to attend U.A. As for the Futures, they were going to finish the second challenge. Which was to spend a day as five year old. They were planning on starting the challenge at noon instead of the morning, which they had originally planned to do. The change of plans was because class 1-A wanted to participate, though not everyone wanted to do this. 

For the first half of the day, the Futures just hung out contently because they had nothing to do. F Bakugo got up from the couch and stretched his back. He walked over to the staircase and went up.

"Where are you going, Katsuki?" F Kirishima asked. 

"I am going to talk to binocular eyes," F Bakugo shouted back. 

"I wonder why he wants to talk to Hatsume," F Midoriya muttered. To answer his question, F Bakugo wanted to talk to Hastume about what has happened in the future, while they were gone. 

"That extra better pick up," F Bakugo grumbled. F Hatsume's face quickly appeared on screen. 

"Hey, what is it that you need Bakugo?"

"Did anything dangerous happen there, while we were stuck here doing your stupid challenges?" F Bakugo questioned.

"No, nothing that you need to be concerned of, only minor attacks. Though, I would like it if you gave the communicator to Momo and Lida," F Hatsume requested. F Bakugo grumpily walked over to F Momo.

"Here, extra wants to talk to you."

"What do you want to tell us?" F Momo asked, F Lida looked over her shoulder.

"Well, Jiro wanted me tell you that she misses you dearly and hopes that you are safe. For Lida, I may send Uraraka  to the past. So, hope you're ready," F Hatsume said. F Lida was elated by the news.

"Can you tell Jiro that I will be okay?"

"Sure, Momo."

F Uraraka arrived an hour later. All the Futures were already ready in the their bodysuit. One by one all of them aged down to five year olds. F Uraraka delightfully watched them. She lead them downstairs and looked around, reminding about her times at U.A.

"So, umm, what do guys want to do?" F Uraraka asked. All the children stared at her. F Uraraka sighed. " Okay, I have an idea. How about we play Simon says?"

"That's a manly idea," L Kirishima said, his voice was squeakier

"Your voice so cute. Okay, Simon says to touch your nose." All the children except L Bakugo did as they were told. "Why aren't you doing it, Bakugo?" F Uraraka asked confused. L Bakugo looked at her.

"Nobody tells me what to do," L Bakugo said, making F Uraraka pout.

"Kacchan, it's just a game," L Midoriya said.

"Shut up, Deku. I am leaving," L Bakugo announced, walking away. L Midoriya sadly watched after him.

"Hey, don't worry. We are still here to play with you," L Lida reassured. F Uraraka nodded in agreement.

"Touch your toes," said F Uraraka. All the children except Lida and Momo touched their toes. "Remember, I didn't say simon says. So, you guys are out." L Midoriya, L Todoroki and L Kirishima walked over to the side and watched L Momo and L Lida play the game. In the end, L Momo was the winner. They played five more rounds before everyone got tired.

"Does anybody want water?" F Uraraka asked. All the children nodded. She walked into the kitchen and searched for cups. L Kirishima walked over to L Bakugo. L Bakugo was sitting on a couch and was glaring at everyone.

{Continuation} Pro Hero Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima meet Class 1-AWhere stories live. Discover now