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You were walking

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You were walking...

To the nearest cafe. You were done with classes today and wanted to get work out the way. You opened the door to the cafe and greeted the workers. You ordered a drink and sat at a table near the window.

You plugged in your earbuds and started a playlist you could work to. You opened your laptop and got to work.  A worker brought you your drink. "Thank you." You smiled. She nodded and walked away. "Hey Knee socks." A voice said from behind you.

You looked over your shoulder and saw Kaminari. It's been less than a week since you've seen him. You also haven't texted him due to school work and your job taking your time. "Oh hey, how are you?" You smiled.

"I think I should be asking you that," he sat in the chair across from me. "and for your name, I never got it." He placed his elbow on the table. "Oh sorry, I'm Y/n L/n." You took a sip of your drink.

"That's a nice name," he smiled. "So how have you been since the breakup, L/n?" He leaned back in his chair. "Umm, I'm actually doing better. I'm trying not to think of it as much and I'm trying to focus on school more." You saved your work and closed your laptop.

"That's good that you aren't letting it bother you." He looked away from you and to his phone. He smiled and texted the person back. "Sorry, it's my girlfriend." He raised his phone. "Oh that's sweet, I bet she is a cutie." You put your laptop in its bag and hung it on the chair you were sitting in.

"Yeah, her name is Jiro, she is awesome." He hugged his phone to his chest. "When did y'all meet?" You took another gulp of your drink. "When we were in high school, she was in my class." he texted her again. "Hey! Speaking of my old class, I'm still friends with some of them. You should meet them one day." He slightly leaned on the table.

You nodded your head. "If they're friends with you I would think they're cool, so why not?" You smiled.

Meeting his friends could be nice, I need new ones anyways.

"We should all go to the park and hang out, you could also meet my girlfriend." He leaned back in his seat. "Yeah sure, I'm free tomorrow, we can go then." You looked back over your calendar on your phone to make sure you really were free, and you were of course.

Kaminari did a firm shake with his head. "Done then, I'll text my group and tell them." He started typing away at his phone. "This is what they look like." He flipped his phone around to show me the screen.

It had a photo of the group in front of a waterfall. "That's when we went on our first road trip together, it was fun." He sighed, thinking back to the day.

You weren't going to lie, out of the boys in the group, Kaminari was definitely the hottest. He had all the good features and his personality was a plus. "This is Mina, Bakugo, Sero, Kirishima, and of course me." He pointed to everyone as he named them off.

"Mina looks really cool." You stated as you looked at the pink haired girl. "She is so wild, I think you guys will click right away." He laughed. "I like the color she dyed her hair, it fits her." You zoomed in the picture of the group. "Hey is Jiro in the group?" You questioned since you didn't see her.

"No she isn't, but she is my girl so she hangs with us sometimes. Plus it gives Mina another girl friend since she is the only one." He pulled his phone back. "Well hopefully I will be another exception." You clicked your nails on the table.

"Is this your last year in college?" He blinked a couple times. "Yeah it is, what about you?" You realized that he could very well be a first year here. "Yeah me too, I'm twenty-one." He fake coughed with a smile. "Oh nice, I'm Twenty."

"I'm a year older, sweet!" He brought his hand into a fist. "Just by a year!" You leaned over a pushed his shoulder. "Still older." He teased and stuck out his tongue. You playfully rolled your eyes and laughed. "So are you the oldest in the group?" You raised a brow. "Nah, that's Bakugo. He is a year older." He shook his head. You nodded your head and made a 'O' shaped with your mouth.

"I like how you dyed that one part of your hair black, it suits you." You gestured to his hair, trying to make new conversation. "Oh thanks! I've always wanted to do something like this so when I did it I was excited." He messed with his hair. He looked at the screen on his phone and widened his eyes. "Oh shit, I have to go!" He stood.

"I have to meet with my girlfriend, but I'll text you the details for tomorrow." He held out his hand for a fist bump. "I'll see you tomorrow." You smiled and bumped his fist.

A/n:Hey everyone!Hope you enjoyed :)

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Hey everyone!
Hope you enjoyed :)

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