Shot Fired

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Before I begin Heyyyyy world this story has got more interest recently so I'll continue- hope your all doing well in lockdown. Yes I'm aware it's 1am😂yes I should probably be asleep but oh well- enjoy This chapter.
        Shots peppered the air "TWO SECTION TAKE COVER" Johnny's heart was in his throat beating 10 to the dozen. Colour Sargent Dean whispered "when I signal we shoot do we understand" they all shared a simultaneous nod, with that a signal was made. Shots rang through the sky like rain drops. "RETREAT" where the next words he heard but then everything went in slow motion the words turned into a blur sounds were muffled the heat hazed around him, a layer of desert grime clinging to his boots. Till he felt a force of his shoulder, it was cheese "head down you dafty" Johnny realised he was in vulnerable shot line and ducked "right men move back to base go go go!"
               The de-briefing was going fine until Colour Sargent Dean's last spiel "Soldiers, may I remind you don't put yourselves in vulnerable circumstances that can be helped, a dead soldier is no good to the platoon! Fallout and get scoff."
"Sir" they all chorused and with that they were off. They were all sitting round munching different things till Spanner spoke up "so what are you guys gonna do on your R&R in a few weeks?" Johnny had forgotten he had R&R in like 2 weeks. The buzz & bustle carried on around him "Johnny what are you going to do on R&R?" Someone asked "oh Um probably go and see my sisters" he smiled he thought of Tee, an image of his little sister smiling and laughing. He missed her. Maybe he could ring her.
So he got out his phone & dialled the number. Would she be awake. Maybe. I don't know.
Hey Tee,
It's Johnny, I've got R&R in a few weeks and I wanna see you & Hope, I miss you both, how are you doing? Hows Hope?How's mum? How are the others?  Sorry that's a lot of questions I- look Tee I miss you & I can't wait to see you.
Love you

And with that the line went dead he walked towards the tent past Mansfield & spanner playing cards "night lads" he called "night Johnny" they replied. He turned in to find he wasn't the earliest. Then his phone started buzzing, he ran out the tent.

Johnny: Tee?
Tee: Johnny I miss you!
Johnny: I miss you too, are you okay?
Tee: yeah I'm good your coming home soon right?
Johnny: yeah in about two weeks- Tee what's all that giggling?
Tee: oh that's Hope we were telling her stories about her big brother.
Johnny: can I speak to her? Hi Hope
Hope: I am the Earl! (Hope giggled heartily)
*johnny smiled*
Johnny: no actually I am. I love you Hope
Hope: Luff you
Johnny: I'm going to have to go- night Tee, night Hope
Tee: Bye Johnny love you
    But before the line went dead all could hear was Hope giggling & chanting 'I am the earl'

        He smiled as he entered the tent again "someone's happy" cheese yawned sleepily.
Johnny flopped on his bed. It'll all be okay he gets to see his sisters in 2 weeks, 14 days, 20160 minutes. Or so he thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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