Chapter 7

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" 'It's LeviOsa not LevioSAR.' " Honestly no wonder she doesn't have friends." Ron said, walking out of charm with Harry, Seamus, and Dean. Hermione rushed past Ron bumping into him. "I think she heard you Ron." Harry said watching her leave. "Thanks for stating the obvious Harry." Noxis said rolling her eyes while running after Hermione. She chased Hermoine into the girl's restroom on the first floor.

"Hermoine? Do you want me to come in there?" Noxis said, wanting to comfort Hermione. "No, I'm fine just leave me alone." Hermoine said sobbing. Noxis sighed and sat on the bathroom floor and started doing homework while waiting for Hermione.

Noxis was almost done with her homework when she realized it was time for dinner. "Hermoine do you want anything to eat?" Noxis said knowing that Hermoine has not eaten since lunch. "No just leave and go eat. I'll see you in a bit." Hermione said, her voice hoarse from crying. "Okay but I'll be back to get you after dinner." Noxis said picking up her stuff.

When she walked into the great hall and walked up to Ron. "RONALD WEASLEY! You made Hermione cry all day in the restroom. She won't come out to eat because you said she didn't have friends! What you said to her hurt her." Noxis yelled at Ron but it wasn't loud enough for the whole great hall to hear. All of a sudden Professor Quirrell ran into the great hall with a panicked face. "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEONS! Thought you should know." He yelled before passing out.

Everyone was panicking, yelling and shoving each other to get to the door to exit the great hall. "SILENCE!!" Dumbledore yelled over all the panicking. Everyone froze and looked at the headmaster. "Prefects lead your housemates to their dorms. Do not leave anyone behind. Professors follow me to handle the situation." Dumbledore said calmly. Everyone was following what Dumbledore had said. Noxis realized she needed to warn Hermoine. "Ron, Harry make sure no one sees me leave. I need to warn Hermione about the troll."

"We'll go with you." Harry said confidently even though he was scared. Ron nodded with him. "It's my fault she's in the restroom. We need to go." Ron said, looking around to see if anyone was looking. "Okay. But be quiet, we can't get in trouble." The trio ran to the first floor bathroom only to smell a disgusting smell. "Ugh what's that smell? I think i'm going to be sick." Ron said gagging as Noxis moved away from him. Harry was going to say something when the troll with a club appeared walking towards the bathroom Hermione was in. "Oh no Hermione's in there! We have to go get her!" Noxis said running to the bathroom with the boys following her.

Hermione's scream could be heard as they entered the bathroom. "Hermoine it's okay! we're here." Noxis said growing worried for her friend. Noxis used her vampire speed to get to Hermione. "Are you okay?!" Noxis said hugging Hermione and checking for injuries. "Yes I'm okay Noxis." Hermione said, giggling at Noxis worrying about her. "Hermoine it's not funny you could have been hurt." Noxis says in a serious tone. "Oi if you two are done gossiping over there would you mind helping us." Ron said, staring at Harry, who was on the troll's head. "Harry! Are you an idiot? Why would you jump on the troll's head?" Noxis said watching Harry shove his wand in the troll's nose. Then the troll managed to get a hold of Harry's leg and hold him upside down while he tried to hit Harry with his club. 

Hermione looked at Ron. "Ron! use the spell. Remember, swish and flick." Hermione said looking at Ron then the trolls club that was still swinging at an upside down Harry. "Okay. Wingardium Leviosa." Before the troll could attempt to hit Harry again, the club stayed in the air above the troll's head. The troll looked up in confusion. Ron let the club drop and the club fell on the troll's head, knocking it out. Harry got his wand out of the troll's nose.

"Ew Troll boogers." Harry says wiping the boogers off his wand on the trolls trousers. Noxis and Hermione giggled but stopped when they heard footsteps and the professor's worried voices. Professor Mcgonagall walked in followed by a limping Professor Snape and Quirrell, who almost fainted when he walked in. “Oh my goodness! You 4 could have gotten hurt! What were you doing out here anyways?!” Professor Mcgonagall said, almost passing out.

"It was my fault, I wanted to get a close look at the troll and it ended up following me to the bathroom. If it wasn't for Harry, Ron, and Noxis I probably would've died." Hermione said looking down in guilt. "Very well Miss Granger. 10 points from Gryffindor, but I will reward Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Gryffindor-Mikealson 10 points...each. Most first years can't battle a mountain troll by themselves." Professor Mcgonagall said, giving Harry and Noxis a little smile. "Actually Professor, I was wondering if I could change my last name to Mikealson." Noxis said shyly. "I'll see what I can do Miss Mikelson." Professor Mcgonagall said, smiling at Noxis once more.

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