Chapter Two

437 16 6

Sunday April 9, 2017

"But at the length, the truth will out."

"Candidate Trump had said that he would never get involved in the Syrian civil war

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"Candidate Trump had said that he would never get involved in the Syrian civil war. He told President Obama 'you cannot do this without the authorization of Congress.' He seemed unconcerned with global norms –"

"Okay stop. Stop the tape. Um... do you think he understands what the term 'authorization from Congress' means? I'm – I'm not kidding. I don't think - "

With an aggressive touch of his finger, Logan reached forward to the display on his center counsel and shut off the stereo. This morning when he'd climbed into the car to make his way to Stars Hollow, putting on a podcast had seemed like a good idea. He thought it would keep him engaged – keep his mind from running in a thousand different directions that he didn't want to go. But, all it ended up doing was put him more on edge.

Logan's own personal life was crumbling all around him. He really didn't need to listen to more punditry about how the entire world was falling apart as well - even through the lens of John Lovett's sardonic wit. He got enough of that content every day at work. It was the hazard of owning a media company.

He didn't feel like putting on any music either. Attempts at distraction were proving useless. The noise in his head was just too intense to focus on or be distracted by anything.

He'd barely slept the night before. What little sleep he did get was plagued by hyper-realistic dreams about the inevitable confrontation he was going to have with Rory. Some of them involved him panicking over being a father. Some of the involved him being heartbroken over her being with another man. The weirdest one involved him showing up to Stars Hollow and seeing her with two already born children, yelling at him over why it took him three years to show up to soccer practice. As if it was his fault.

Questions around the subject of his future bombarded him at every moment. Was he going to get answers today? What would those answers be? Was this baby his? If the baby was his, then what was he going to do about it? How was he going to tell Odette? How was he going to tell his mother? His sister? Was he going to have to move back to the States? Where would he move if he did move back to the States? What did Rory want?

What did Rory ever want?

The answer to that question had alluded him for thirteen years.

But there was one massive all-consuming question that Logan couldn't stop asking himself.

"Why didn't she tell me?" he whispered out loud. He lifted up his hand to rub at the pressure building up under his eyes. A loud honk sounded less than a moment later, startling Logan out of his stupor.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed as he turned his head to the left and saw some twenty-something lift up a middle finger at him as he passed. Logan wasn't even mad about it. He'd been drifting. Tilting the wheel back over to the right, Logan merged back into his proper lane just as he passed a green sign on the road stating he had ten miles until the exit to Stars Hollow. Ten miles to attempt to get his thoughts together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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