The Miracle Boy

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Jayne P.O.V

---(alarm beeping)---

"Oh Gosh!!! It's 2:30 already."I said, "Where are you going? Eat your breakfast first."Uncle Morrow said.

"To the Stacks, bye" With this, I slammed the door behind me, not before I picked a grilled cheese sandwich, then I ran for my bike. I was in a great hurry. I needed to reach the Stacks before anyone woke up. 


"Ah, finally," I said breathing heavily, I finally reached my Gaming Stack. I go to my kitchen and take out the oreo milkshake, I'd prepared the day earlier. And then...

[Beep-Beep] my computer goes...

"Now what?" I say irritated, but when I see my computer's screen "Oh, Parzival's Data is ready" I said inspecting, then Toshiro comes by (he probably must have woken up by the computers noises), "Good Morning," he said, "What are you... Oh, Parzival's DATA is being checked."  After examining the contents on my screen I say, "Okay, let's check his history," and Toshiro clicked the search button and start searching for Parzival's Real-world DATA. "You know, this is called Hacking," I said to him. "It's for a good reason," he said "You're given the job to find the one worthy of Halliday's Egg, right!" he replied. "And I choose you, as my assistant."I replied

[Beep-Beep] goes my computer, again...

Computer's Screen View

Name: Wade Owen Watts

Status: Orphan

Age: 18

D.O.B: August 12, 2027

P.O.B: Columbus, Ohio

Birthstone: Peridox

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Current Location: The Stacks, Columbus, Ohio

Profession: Gunter

Guardians: Alice Watts

Real-life friends: ---

OASIS friends: Aech {tap here to open Aech DATA}

Personality: Wade is quick-witted and passionate, his dedication to being a gunter is remarkable. He is extremely knowledgeable in 1980s video games and practised as many video games listed in Anorak's Almanac as possible. His determination is essential for his success in the contest.[source: service provided].

No. of visits to Halliday's Journals: 356k known visits.

Jayne P.O.V

"Oh God, this is unbelievable!" I said in shock. "What is unbelievable?" Toshiro asked curiously, "This guy has all the qualities mentioned by Dad to win the Hunt." I answered with my non-stop smile. I swear by God, Toshiro's expression, after hearing my word, forces me to say, the look on his face was LITERALLY priceless. Then he said, "But there's one quality he doesn't have."What-What is it?" I asked. "You remember, you once told me that Halliday didn't want a single person to win the hunt knowing what happened between him, Sir Ogden." Toshiro tried to make me recall, "Oh wait, Parzival doesn't have a team!" [I said] Then an idea popped up in my head, "Hey, then let's make him one," I said. "Okay, you need to explain it to me," Toshiro said. "If he doesn't have a team, we can create some circumstances, in the game, that'll force himself to have a team," I said. "You're genius, Miss Einstien. Now, let's get to work," he said excitedly.

[AUTHORS NOTE: The Miracle Boy being talked about in this chapter is Parzival because he is the first person who had all the qualities to win the Hunt. His DATA portrayed the image of a Miracle Boy in Jayne's eyes. Thankyou]

Word Count: 534 words

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