Chapter One: Meet The Family

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"Right Jody, Tyler, you know the rules yeah? Best behaviour. It's the first time we've paid Mike a visit so let's all lay off the questions and try not to overwhelm him okay?" Jody rolls her eyes, "Oh give over! I get that you're nervous to tell him about Scott, but I promise you there's nothing to worry about, he'll support you." Before either of them can say another word, Mike bounces out the door practically shaking with excitement.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting ages, you only had to knock." He hugs them one by one, "Oh, forget that now, come on in, my brother's finishing up a spread!" They follow him into the house, being sure to wipe their shoes on the entrance mat.

The house is nothing huge, however it is bright and colourful, the garden's got a swingseat, not to mention it's spotless. What more could you want? May-Li looks around in shock, "Fiona's turned you into a right Mr Muscle!" "Did I not tell you? The wife made a cleaning rota in all your favourite colours so when I look at it, I think of you."

Tyler holds back laughter and folds his arms,"A cleaning rota?! You can take the man out of the DG but you can't take the DG out of the man!" "Haha very funny. "What's new back home? Have you found anyone to replace me yet?" Jody rushes in front of everyone,"What's that?!"

it's impossible not to notice the vast wall-covering collage Mike has on display. Every birthday, every inpromptu party, thirty years of DG history hung up for all to see. A comfortable silence forms while Tyler and Jody's eyes skim through the field of faces, hoping they've bagged a spot front and centre.

Mike looks up at a picture of him and May-Li, "I know they're in safe hands." She brushes off Mike's compliment, "It's been hard but they've really come together. You of all people know the DG can cope with anything."

He smiles weakly, "That's great, glad to hear it and... how are things with you?" She stays strong, "Me? Fine! Great, I've- I've been good yeah." Mike awkwardly clears his throat, "That's- that's great. So, Paeder's in the dining room, he points, turn left and you'll see the door. I'll be two minutes." May-Li leads on, turns the corner and the door's already open. As expected, Paeder is stood behind a round table gaurding an exsentive buffet.

"Kids! May-Li! Take a seat, I wanna know everything! First off, what was he like on the job?" Tyler takes a deep breath, "Really forgiving most of the time but stubborn when he wanted to be, Jody takes over, he saw the best in people no matter what, and May-Li says her piece. "He was everything a dad should be. He fought so hard to get all the kids out of the Dumping Ground and into a real family home that sometimes he'd forget what they already had." May-Li and Jody share a glance.

Paeder senses the sadness and quickly changes the subject, "C'mon then, break it to me gently, who was Mike's best man?" Jody smiles unknowingly, "He didn't have one." Paeder gasps, "What?! You've got to be joking! What sort of groom doesn't have a best man!" Mike wanders in casually and pulls up a chair across from May-Li, streching his hand so their fingers are lightly touching.

"Micheál, these lot tell me you never had a best man!" He straightens up defensively, "I had a best, just not a man." "I don't understand?" "A girl that used to be in my care years ago, Tracy, she did the honours and that would've been the case no matter the situation between us, now can we please change the subject?"

Tyler chokes on his drink, "You haven't talked to them about Tracy?!" Mike tries to shrug it off, "Calm down, it's not like she's my daughter." Jody smirks angrily, I'm sure they know about your shiny MBE though don't they." Tyler lowers his voice, "Jody, don't to do this now." She stands up, "Do what now? We're all family here right Mike? Us carekids stick up for each other! Oh wait, you kept that a secret too." Tyler moves her face to look at him."Jodes leave it. Let's get some fresh air." Paeder and Tyler usher Jody outiside, leaving Mike to swim in his thoughts.

He looks to May-Li for support, "Mike, face it, she's someone your family should know about." "I didn't realise it'd be this hard on them, especially Jody. I shouldn't have asked you to come here, it was a bad idea. I'm going after her.

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