Chapter One Boarding school

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song for this chapter is a thousand years by Christina Perri

this book is based on a true story I hope it marvels all you my readers

Chapter One

It was the third day of the month, the fourth month of the year and the third year since the rather sudden demerse and heartfelt departure of the great Nelson Madiba Mandela of the southern nation of Africa;the year of our lord twenty zero nine during the reign of her highness Queen Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom (UK) and the rule of president Barrack Hussein Obama being the first regime of a colored leader on the soils of the free world(United States of America).How could I forget to murmur out the major dictator of the country Zimbabwe;Robert Mugabe and his fellow counterparts all over the saddened world powered by dictatorship and politics at play from royalty to loyalty and more significantly cruelty

It was my first day to report to high school since I had finished my middle school a couple of weeks back. My parents had decided to take me to a boarding school without my consent or approval even if it makes me cry out to existence a new version of river Nile or form raindrops using my tinnie tiny shiny tears drops to cultivate and crop plants for a small planet underneath my eyes that's if they exist. It made so pissed to hear I am joining a boarding school while all my friends were going to join normal schools with normal teachers and normal life with normacity in everything while I was being shipped off to a boarding school known as St Luke's high in the far east corner of our clearly big yet so small town. To a point it made me hate being me ,thinking without a doubt that I was cursed to have such uptight folks

I look at myself in the mirror wearing my bluish grey uniform and my navy blue tie with my white shirt. It made me look like a giant clown ready for a party;the party that was set to destroy my social life completely to nonexistence. Well I hated what I saw in the mirror so much but I haven't got a choice now do I? So after brushing my teeth and washing off my mouth I took my Gucci leather bag and headed downstairs

My mum was busy trying to pack my clothes and commodities into one small box. I smiled ironically because my whole life was trying to fit in a tinnie tiny little box of steel metal;all the memories and all the good moments of my history

"Good morning mummy," I said as I got into the leaving room and close to her. She only looked at me and went back to her duties ignoring my greeting for some few minutes before once again looking up to me with a fake smile saying,"good morning to you sweetie." With all my being I doubted her sense of smile since the beginning of it to it's dear ending but I had no choice but keeping my pain to myself.

I retreated back to the dinning room to have my breakfast as I await the cessation of what so much seemed to be my perfect life. Since I wasn't in the least bit hungry I decided to play with my breakfast since mum had ordered me to eat. As I was in the middle of all my thoughts of yet a nothing and yet a things I heard a door knock,"Aldama! Aldama! Go get the door please," mum ordered from the other room,"yes mum," I screamed.

"Wow you almost look horrible,"Victor my best friend added when I opened the door. I rolled my eyes and hailed,"get in you brat and stop patronizing me with your relentless referral and remarks about my outfit."" Now that is the Aldama we all know and have grown to love over the years,"I turned to go back to whatever I was not doing before he came in but before I had even placed a simultaneous step he called,"Aldama,Aldama you didn't have to be so rude you know," he exhaled. I didn't answer him when he questioned because every time I tried to open my mouth nothing but blows of air come out due to all the confusion and betrayal bottled up inside. I didn't even know am crying until I tasted a salty liquid of my cheeks flowing down to my mouth. I continue watching him as tears fell from my eyes as the great waters of Victoria falls,when he noticed my heartfelt hormonal imbalance brought around by suddenly crack of fractions of reality into fragments of memorial attributes,his eyes watered his lips narrowed and his heart beat increase a pulse more. He pulled me slowly and gently to the dinning room without a word in hesitate or time to waste and sat me down to the right of him. Trying to console a soul in so much pain and hurt but his effort bore no fruit for the more he tried consoling me the more I cried out louder and louder. My Cry's and mourning of a life lost caught the attention of my mum in the leaving room,my brother who was coming from shopping in town and dad who was locking the door behind him

They all came running towards the dinning room. When they arrived,they all looked at me with eyes of pity for a soul in conflict. My younger brother came close and hugged me gently,"don't cry dear one don't cry,"he calmly requested.

"heart beats fast

color and promises

how to be brave

how can I love

when I am afraid

to fall

watching you stand

alone all of my

doubt's suddenly

goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died

everyday waiting

for you darling

don't be afraid

I have loved you

for a thousand years I will love you

for a thousand more"

I heard him sing our favorite songs a thousand years by Christina Perri. It was our song;my brother and I. I sung that to him when he was down and hurt in order to calm him down and make him happy but for the first time since we made it our song I felt the effects of that song's power on me for I completely calmed down as he continued singing to me that song.

"It is time to go," dad consoled,"I know that you don't understand the reasons for us taking you to a boarding school but we are doing it for your own good and you alone my dear child. I hope one day you will come to understand me truthfully and dearly but today you have to trust us and that love that we have for you that tells you we can't hurt you."

After all that I wiped my tears and said my goodbyes to my Best friend and brother since they were not taking me to school and entered the car to leave. My dad turned on the engine symbolizing death as I watched all my life go down the drain and creating a new one in an unfamiliar and unknown domain

I hope you enjoyed this chapter as I did while writing it.

It is a special dedication to the late Ken Imbatia

Chapter two will come out after three to five days please do enjoy the book. If like the book then vote or comment it will be highly appreciated

thank you all for your time see you all in chapter two

yours with love
aldama darling's

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