Chapter Three:Sexuality Change Part One.

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The photo above belongs to our dear Aldama Darlings the main character of the story

The song for this chapter is same love by macklemore

This chapter is going to entail a lot of things about Aldama and his journey to discover his true sexuality.

Hope you enjoy your reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Chapter Three

I had been in school for around two weeks now and I had meet with many students there,all in the name of Evans;the school's  president and one of the most famous kids in school if not the most popular kid. All his friends seemed rather good,entertaining and fun to be around them sometimes but they were always talking about girls,girlfriends and the sexual adventures with them. To Evan's friends the idea of sex and girls seemed to intrigue there inner he with tremendous joy,you could see it in there eyes when they talked but unfortunately for me this topic made me more and more uncomfortable whenever it was mentioned,anytime they started talking about it I always just smiled and kept my peace silently or try to find an excuse to leave. It seemed arkward for me to call myself straight yet I couldn't enjoy the talk of having sex with girls much less imagine myself having sex with one. Now that I check it seems I was not the only one in this boat ride,Evans always kept quiet whenever the topic of girls came up which made me question his sexuality as I did with mine. Funny enough Chris didn't seem to be bothered with the talk,he actually when along with it and even went a step further to contribute to their discussion. These idea came across to me as more arkward than my own entroubled sexuality. I pity them I wished they knew who the pretender talking to them was,it would shock them to death. I marveled at the thought of them unraveling Chris sexuality. Since the arkward day me and Chris had and his threat,I have always avoided Chris every chance I got. I always made sure to invite someone to keep me company if Evans had things to attend to,these always made Chris annoyed I could clearly see it in his shiny light blue eyes that twinkled like the heavenly stars sending warmth down my whole body. I knew every well at some point I would have to face Chris sooner or later and later to me sounded more nicer than sooner,so I would use all the little tricks in my bag hoping they would last me a while before I had to face the reality that's Chris. Whenever we were in same room Chris would always look at me like he wanted to tell me something and everytime he tried to start something I would just pretend to have something to do somewhere else and leave.

It was in the middle of one of Mr Phillip's chemistry lesson when a voice through the class speaker caused distrubance through out the class,everybody started to whisper to each other around the class about the information just passed. Mr William's Voice declared an election a new deputy president for the prevoius one by name Alex Hunkins had switched schools two days back. The last two days Evans looked busy and I was wondering why,now I have known why he was playing both the roles of the president and his deputy. Alex was one of Evans friends that I had liked,we had met around thrice now during games or Evan's office and talked,he appeared to be a good boy overall. We were getting along just fine and even planning to be great friends. That made me wonder why he suddenly changed schools yet a few days ago he was talking of finishing his education at St Luke's high,that made rather more suspicious and the only one who would put a name to these misty mistry was none other than Evans,he was the only one in the school for now with access to such detailed information. I made a conclusion to see Evans for an explanation before day ends. Mr Phillip called the class back to order and continued teaching. I was so glad when I heard the bell ringing symbolizing the end of chemistry,I ran out of Mr Phillip's class directly to my locker along the way people were talking about the just vacant sit rather than asking the significant question how it became vacant,they seemed to believe what Mr Williams said expect me. As I approached my locker I saw Chris inclided on my locker with one of his feet on the wall rocking his head musically to the song playing on his Ipod,he hadn't seen me yet so I had the chance to escape but these time I decided to face him after all we were in public and he can't try anything in public or can he? Since he tried something with me in front of Evans, I wasn't sure of anything anymore when it had Chris's name inside it. I approached my locker more and more Chris took notice of me and stood straight,he winked in my direction as I  approached,followed by a vague smile that disappeared soon after it came. I reached where Chris was standing and stood next to him. "Hey Aldama," he said without a reply to his greeting I mumbled,"what do you want Chris?"

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