Episode 1: Just your Average Day

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"It's charging...charging up..."

Evangeline stared deep into her DS screen, sweat coming down from her brow. She didn't want to lose. Not since she got this far on the hardest difficulty.

"It's so close!"

"Just keep avoiding those beams! Make sure to strategize!"

Her two friends, Akria and Leslie, sat next to her and cheered her on, while her sister sat on the other edge of the lunch table, clearly amused.

"You know we're not allowed to have Nintendo consoles at school, right?"

"Shh! I'm concentrating!" She scolded her sister.

"Come on, Eva!" Akria cheered on. "Beat Hades!!"

Just as Akria said that, Eva fired the cannon of the Great Sacred Treasure and it hit Hades square in the face. The three girls cheered and jumped up and down at the lunch table. Leslie and Akria hugged Eva when she finally beat Kid Icarus Uprising.

Eva squealed in happiness. "Yeeees!! Big sister, I did it~!!"

She ran over to her elder sister, Angie, and hugged her tightly. And while she was taken aback, she rolled her eyes and hugged her back.

"Congratulations. Was it really that difficult?"

"Well she DID put in on the highest difficulty setting." Leslie said as she leaned on her elbow on the table.

"But that means she beat all the levels on the high difficulty, Les!!" Akria said with excitement.

"Ang, you gotta play it with me one day!" She said with puppy dog eyes. "Pleaase?"

"If I was a powerful angel with magic, maybe." She said with a little smirk.

Akria and Leslie laughed a little.

Later that day, school let out early for the first day of summer. Luckily, the girls had finished their exams and everything before leaving the school grounds. Leslie, as they were walking, was reading a fashion magazine while Akria was kicking a mini bean bag up and down as they walked.

"So, Ang, how's work coming along?" Akria asked as she kicked the bean bag high in the air before catching it.

"It's work." She says with a small little smile. "But it's worth it. But it's a pain - I have to work overtime today. Just got the notice."

"Overtime?!" Eva gasped in disbelief. "But weren't we supposed to go to the movies tonight?!"

"Angie, this is getting ridiculous." Leslie said as she looked up from her magazine. "You already work more hours than a girl your age should—this should count as some kind of abuse!"

"I'm with Leslie on this one." Akria said before kicking the bean bag up and down again.

"Well, how else am I supposed to..." she started before reiterating. "All I'm saying is I need this job. I can't just quit on it right now..."

Eva soon gasped. "Why don't we go protest?!"

"Little sister, that's a bad idea." She reprimanded without looking at her.

Akria however grabbed Eva's hands in agreement.

"Agreed, Eva! We'll talk to Angie's boss to give her some vacation time!" She said with a bright and encouraging smile.

"Are you girls ACTUALLY thinking about going to my job to protest on my behalf?" Angie asked this like they had grown two heads.

"It's better than anything!" Eva pouted. "I want time with my sister!"

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