the royals childhood

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Hello im delilah and this is my story im five years old with golden brown hair and bright blue eyes and im first in line for the throne when i turned 18. Today is an especially important day though the prince of England is coming here because my mother wants me to know him before we are married i dont know if i want to marry but mother says i must. Delilah come down stairs at once my mother queen rose shouted i ran down the stairs in my white and gold gown with my tide with a pretty bow and my tiara on top of my head.
Hello princess I am prince james of england who might you be hames said bowing james was about 8 so older then me he had brown curly hair and had green eyes and was wearing a tuxe. I curtsied and then said hello iam princess delilah of Norway. It is amazing to meet you your kingdom is beautiful james said. Thank you i said. I truly dont think i like james he seems rather serious. I think you to will love eachother now go play in the garden dont get dirty dinner will be out in three hours mother said .

  I was extremely nervous to see if he was actually fun or just prince like and only cared about being polite dont get me wrong i like peiple with good manors but not ones that are no fun. Well what would you like to play i asked lets play tag james said tagging me and running. We played for hours but it felt like minutes we caught frogs and played tag and hide n seek i was starting think me and james would get along great. Children dinner get inside now mother called lets go before she has a cow she has quite the temper you will learn that very soon since you will be living here correct i asked yes i will james said smiling we then ran inside.
The dinner is a shepards pie and some brussel sprouse and for dinner peach cobbler marie the maid said. We ate for about an hour in silence then headed up for the night. Marie ran me a bath and then got me dressed in a purple silk night gown i hoped in my bed whitch was soft like a cloud and marie read me a bead time story about a rabbit who fell in love with his best friend and they were happy forever good night marie said kissing me on the forehead and turning of the lights i went to sleep.
      Time skip eight years
Im 13 and james is 16 we still play together everyday and we even do homework together james nay be older but i still help him im told that iam extremely smart for my age . today we were walking to the bus after going to the royal academy. Hello mother were home i shouted hello james shouted as well i am in a meeting go to the study and study mother shouted me and james laughed so that is why it is called a study james said laughing i guess so i said smiling.  We studied for hours and then marie called dinner time me and james looked at eachother excited keta go we headed to the dinner table where is mother i asked marie she is with you father he is getting worse everyday the doctor thinks he may die this week she said looking sad james looked at me concerned and then whispered you okay james father had the same illness last month and died james took it hard but i stayed with him everyday and made sure he was okay yes im fine i responded giving a faint smile. We finish dinner and head upstairs i go yo my room close my door and cry into my pillow. Me and my father never really talked we disagreed on alot like i dont want to marry james on my 18th birthday and become queen but he says that is the way it is and to be grateful.

The next week my father died in his sleep. I was crying in my room when i heard a knock on the door hey its james can i come in he asked yes i said james walked in crying to my father was like a father to him they were closer then me and my dad were. Hello i said are you okay i asked yes im fine how are you he said whipping his tears. I knew he wasn't i know you and father were close it must be hard its like another one of your dads died i said. I am truly fine are you i mean he was your dad james said . i am fine i said we weren't close james and i hugged . The next morning was the funeral i hadn't seen much of my mother when i saw her she was crying i waited till after the funeral to talk to her though i just stood by james the whole time and held his hand like we did at hsi fathers funeral. I went looking for my mother after but to my surprise she was in her office as smiley as could be.

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