⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ -You're owl little quiet

902 8 10

I present a mute/café AU bc yes.

Akaashi entered the familiar coffee shop, he let the smell of cinnamon and vanilla hit his nose and let out a heavy breath as he walked to the same booth he sat in everyday.

Dropping his computer and bookbag Akaashi walked over to the ordering window hoping to see the same familiar face of Washio he always saw.

Though today he didn't, in fact nobody greeted him when he walked through or was standing behind the counter as he readied himself to order.

Akaashi began waiting thinking that Washio might have been in the Staff-only room or baking in the back, but he didn't hear any pans clanging or a noise in general.

He sighed pulling out his phone scrolling through social medias he normally only checked once a month or so, and hopped onto a few games.

Still standing in the line he decided to call his Aunt, the owner of the shop. The call went straight to voice which wasn't normal but he got an answer when he contacted Washio.

Hey Washio, are you here at the cafe? nobody's behind the counter.

Oh hey Akaashi! No I'm not currently there, we got a new employee so my sched changed.

He should be there right now, Komi just left and texted me after giving him the keys and a run down of the place.

A new employee?

Yeah, Konoha said no messing with him either! we both know how you are around new people.

Mhm sure ok bye

Bye Akaashi, No messing with him!!!

Yeah ok. Bye Dad
Read at 8:43am

After giggling at his conversation  with Washio he heard a crash coming from the 'Staff-Only' room.

an unfamiliar face popped out the corner with a pink face, 'what happened to them?' Akaashi thought.

The new employee rushed out the kitchen holding onto his knees panting to catch his breath. Pulling out their phone, they handed Akaashi the device letting him read out loud  "Sorry I took out the garbage" and Akaashi nodded understanding.

"Did you was your hands?" Honestly Akaashi meant this as a joke, but when the nee employee heard it they immediately ran off almost bumping into the bathroom door.

Akaashi just stood there dumbfounded, he laughed again. Something about this new employee seemed entertaining, no wonder Konoha said teasing was off limits.

He didn't mind waiting for the Employee to finish what they were doing, he had all the time in the world. Though it was abnormal for them to speak through a phone he didn't say anything and just went along with it.

When Washio first joined Akaashi constantly teased him as a "fake karen" and asked to see the manager even though it was his Aunt and Washio didn't do anything wrong.

He almost got banned from the coffee shop for it but became close with Washio soon enough.

The town was very small so even visitors or new neighbors were a thing to celebrate.

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