When you get hurt

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You were currently chasing a fox, poor fox was doing nothing till you popped out and started chasing it, unfortunately you tripped on the ground getting a pretty bad wound (bro when i was little, i always got big wounds and scratches just from small falls) Aether was catching up to you and stopped when he saw you on the ground crying while you were on your stomach, Aether immediately ran to you, "y/n!", aether gently picked you up and set you down on a rock, "I'll be right back y/n, ok? Paimon will watch you.", "wait who said-" paimon couldn't finish her sentence as Aether ran off to find some ingredients to soothe your wound, 'this food hogger  needs to be careful! And why does Aether think I'm worse than this kid?!', after a few minutes, Aether had some medicinal herbs making some type of pain relief for you and applied it on your knee before giving it a little kiss to make the boo boo better, "is it better now?", "yes papa! Thank you!", you tried to stand up and give your dad a hug but he just sat you down so you ended up hugging him while sitting.


You were always a carefree child...it kind of worried venti a lot, you were so curious and always exploring, so you and venti were at that big tree, you climbed and climbed...till your foot got caught in between some branches, you thinking "eh i can just pull it out  and it'll easily come off" tried to pull it, no it hurt, so you let a little yelp which already got your dad's attention, like seriously, he fucking ran up the tree, "my dove are you alright!?", "i need help dad", you cried, pointing at your still stuck foot. Venti gently got your foot out leaving some marks and splinters on your foot, "y/n, please be careful..", "I will dad...", while carefully plucking the small splinters off.


You were running around in circles, thinking it was fun seeing the world spin (seriously i did that 😭) your mom chuckled thinking it was cute till you slipped on your own foot which made a pretty loud thud noise, "y/n i said be careful..", Lumine gently picked you up and asked where it hurts, you pointed at your arm which was already bruised, "give me your hand y/n.", you complied, stretching your small arm to her which she carefully grabbed and placed a small kiss on it, "what does that do mama?", "A kiss makes a boo boo heal faster y/n.", she smiled while your expression from a confused look to astonished, "really?!", Lumine only hummed in response.


You were trying to make some Almond tofu for your dad, keyword, tried you ended up burning yourself (i dunno how it works I'm trying 😭) at the cooking pot while Xiao was doing his job. You wanted to make him happy and since you guys bought some ingredients already, plus  you were like bored, you saw how the traveler cooked the almond tofu last time so you tried to cook it from my the traveler did, so when you burned your hand, Xiao immediately snapped his head to you and ran to you, already finishing his yaksha duties. "Y/n are you ok?!", "I'm fine papa I just burned myself.", you burned your thumb and it hurt a lot yet you (tried to) maintained your neutral face because you thought that your dad had enough to deal with and he didn't need more. Xiao picked up real quick and sighed, "y/n you know if it hurts just say it hurts, you're not bothering me, I'm your dad", Xiao had you sit on his shoulders as he headed back to the Wangshu Inn to treat it since he didn't want to go to liyue but your burn healed in a week.


You thought you saw a shiny rock and wanted to give it Zhongli but it was a piece of glass and it pricked your finger, "ow....", you hissed a bit, sucking on your finger to hopefully clean the blood but it just kept coming back, so you went to your dad. Zhongli noticed you after he was talking to the traveler about something (emptying wallets-), "y/n do you need something?", you quietly just showed him your index finger which still was bleeding a little, Zhongli sighed and quickly washed it and disinfected it before putting on a bandaid on. "Be more careful y/n..", he said as he ruffled your hair, "mhm.."


Honestly, Diluc was very careful with you (overprotective dad) however, while your dad was working at the tavern, you were outside with some dogs, both of you were chasing each other like a game of tag, you were enjoying it but you weren't paying attention so you slammed into a wall. A big bruise was forming as you regained your composure to lift yourself off the wall before crying and rubbing the spot. Diluc's daddy instincts tingled and went to you, "y/n!", he ran and cradled you to calm you down and get you an ice pack for your forehead, once you calmed down Diluc lectured you about being careful.


You and Noelle were outside of mondstat, Noelle was doing commissions which involved a lot of hillichurls so guess what happened? A hillichurl tried to throw a rock at Noelle but instead hit you and noelle being protective mom beat the hillichurl ass and then proceeds to ask if you were ok, "mooom I'm fine I've only gotten some scratches-", "don't worry y/n, mommy is gonna heal you up!".


You were trying to do alchemy like your dad and mama sucrose,keyword...tried. You blew something up and your face was now covered in soot, your bangs frizzed up with your hair while you just stared in shock and horror, Sucrose, seeing you just standing there on the verge of crying, panicked, "y-y/n! A-are you ok!? Y/n?!", Sucrose grabbed your shoulders and shook you back and forth. You finally snapped out of it and just cried cause you were still scared, Albedo being concerned came to see the commotion, "y/n?, sucrose? What happened?", "it seems that y-y/n wanted to do alchemy b-but it went wrong Mr Albedo..", she said trying to comfort you by hugging you, though you did have some glass shards imbedded in your hands, Albedo carefully removed them, "y/n if you want to learn, please ask me or Sucrose otherwise the same thing will happen to you", his gentle eyes held so much care and voice was laced with genuine concern as he bandaged your hands, "ok dad.."


While your mom being a busy woman was doing stuff like paperwork, you were and decided to climb on a book shelf which obviously failed and you hit the ground, making a loud thud noise to gain Ninnguang's attention. "Y/n?", Ninnguang turned to the side only to see you on the ground about to cry. Ninnguang put hold on her paperwork's and documents just to comfort you overall spoil you for the day.

Pls I'm super sorry for updating real real slow, I've been procrastinating on this book but on Sumday at 5:40 pm I'm gonna see the Demon Slayer movie and thank God my mom chose sub but anyways see you later

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