1 - If only you were mine

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Elianna stalked through the empty, dark corridor of the orphanage she once grew up in

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Elianna stalked through the empty, dark corridor of the orphanage she once grew up in. Her eyes darted across the long hallways, before they stopped on the room that was once hers, her own little safe haven. She smiled gently at one of the children who was just about to enter her room, and the kid returned the smile. Elianna recognised the kid, who had immensly grown up since the last time Elia had seen her, which was years ago.

Elia had avoided visiting this orphanage, afraid of the memories this place would bring. She was hoping that she wouldn't regret coming here, but as her eyes fell on the courtyard, she knew her hopes were in vain

Hundreads of buried memories walked out of their dark grave, rushing around in Elia's mind with no qualms. She could practically see Nandha there, sitting beneath the cyprus tree, smiling softly at her and beckoning her to come and sit together

Nandha...she was the reason Elianna was here, the only reason Elia still tried with anything. She had missed Nandha from the day Aryan had taken her back, but today was one of the days where the longing was terrible. She missed Nandha so much she couldn't sleep.

But Nandha wasn't the only memory keeping her awake...

She shut her eyes tightly, willing the memories back into their coffins. Reminiscing them never did her any good. If anything, it only reminded her about how large the hole in her heart actually was.

Elianna shook her head and walked away. Coming here never did her any good. All it made her think was...

Oh Nandha, if only you were mine ...


Eliana fixed her rogue tendrils, tucking them tightly into her bun. She had a meeting with the governor today. She never really liked the negotiating part of ordeals, mainly because they revealed what lied at the core of human essence; greed.

She walked into the meeting room, the governor greeting her with a smile. That smile will turn into a grimace soon, she thought to herself.

She seated herself across his side of the table and began

"I'm going to cut to the chase, Mr Nair. The government orphanages that you run are lacking in all the facilities needed. You can't just pick up orphans from slums to only put them in another slum. Mr Singhania requests to present a public private partnership, at least for the orphanages in our state" She began, making it very clear what was wanted from the very beginning

"A PPP? For orphanages? You must be joking Ms Roosevelt. I thought a person well versed in diplomacy would at least know this. It's not possible, we can't bring the private sector into this. If Mr Singhania is so concerned, why doesn't he donate funds for the government portal instead?" Eliana narrowed her eyes at him, she knew that he would say these exact words

"Strange that you would say that, Mr Nair, considering the fact that we have been donating for years at this point, with no visible development in the sector since there are certain vermins that know no better than to chew on the money meant for others" She stated nonchalantly with a slight smirk

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