2 - Living a lie

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After admitting the girl into an orphanage, Elianna proceeded on to dress for another meeting she had

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After admitting the girl into an orphanage, Elianna proceeded on to dress for another meeting she had. She disliked doing all of this, dressing up to perfection, negotiating or in other words threatening people for Aarav, wearing this mask that she knew would crack soon.

It was all starting to choke her. She hated all of this. She didn't want to continue running from her problems forever, but she never felt ready to face them, and hence she continued to run, continued to put on the mask that clung to her skin like cacti spikes

Elianna had another meeting to attend, another person to threaten, another agreement to coerce people into. It was a routine, and she had been following it for over 4 years now. But just because she did it all the time doesn't mean she liked it

She hated routines

Despite the comfort they gave her wounded heart, she did not like them. At some point, she grew frustrated, tired. At some point, it stopped distracting her from the demons she was trying to escape.

The only beacon of light amidst this dark chaotic mess was Nandha, and now she didn't even have Nandha anymore, and she was lost to the abyss

"Elia, are you ready?" Ansh asked her, loading ammunition into a sniper, his favorite one. Elia nodded at him. She adored the boy a lot, despite him having a rather strange personality. He was older than her, and yet she felt like he was her younger brother. Everyone thought him to be a psycopath, which wasn't completely untrue, but with the amount of time she had spent with him, she had come to realise that he was quite a goofball, even if his humor was dark.

"Go on, terrorise some more unsuspecting politicians. I'll try to get some bodies to drop" He said, adding a chuckle in the end. Normal people would've been terrified of the look on his face, but Elia no longer thought of him to be terrifying. Sure, he was scary to others, but never to her

She moved into the room, her perfume containing neuro-relaxants, something that didn't affect her due to how much she used it, but definitely affected the "unsuspecting politicians" as Ansh had quoted

The people felt dizzy around her, they never understood why. It made it quite easy for her to coerce them into agreeing with her, that and also the fact that she kept bringing up that there were snipers watching them and this whole meeting was being recorded, and could be used to their will

She walked out of the room with satisfaction, not a smile but just a pleased look, like always. She rarely smiled anymore, nothing pleased her, nothing gave her solace.

She walked out of the building, lifting her head to where she knew Ansh would be, even though it would be impossible to spot him, he was extremely skilled at espionage. Even she failed to spot him sometimes

She decided that she needed some time to reign all the blue feelings in. Walking through the woodland side would definitely help.

She wondered how she looked to others, heading to the woods in heels and a black pencil skirt, but she didn't care. Nothing really fazed her much anymore. Everything she wore was a facade, every expression she had on her face was a mask, the skin that they all stared at was nothing but a deceit

None of them saw her, the real her, and none of them ever would

"You're going into the woodlands all dolled up? Are you expecting to entice some beasts?" She heard a voice call out to her from behind her, and Elia turned around at the sound of the familiar voice.

"I've learnt that beasts actually live in civilised homes and not jungles, Natasha" Elia said facing Nandha's ex-lover. Elia didn't actually dislike Natasha, Aarav would bury her if he ever found out about these cordial feelings Elia harboured, but she cared naught. She actually liked the girl, she felt bad for Natasha. Elia had been there, she had watched Aarav separate Nandha and Tasha, for reasons that didn't make sense. She did not understand why he didn't like them both together.

She wondered what lies Aarav had fed Nandha, with the help of Keerthi, Nandha's older sister. At first, Nandha would not listen to anything. But sometime later, Keerthi killed herself in her bathroom, and Aarav convinced Nandha that Tasha was the reason Keerthi killed herself, and Nandha relented. But Elianna doubted the whole thing, and she also suspected that Nandha didn't completely buy the whole thing either

Natasha was gorgeous, light limestone green eyes and dark brown hair. Even her voice was as beautiful as her, it sounded utterly ethereal with a hint of wickidness, like a forbidden pleasure and even Elianna was guilty as charged with the captivation.

"Wise girl. I'm glad Aarav hasn't made you his pet dog yet" Natasha said, and then walked off without giving Elia a chance to answer.

Elia walked into the woods, felt the soft wind blow against her, her hair flying out. This place had been her sanctuary, it always brought her peace, eased her ever-erratic thoughts...but it didn't help today. Today, all she could see was her face in the girl she had rescued from the brothel and....

The blonde girl who was in the photo, along with the peculiar sense of familiarity that came with it.


I know that this is indeed a short chapter, but I had most of this chapter written and decided that I'll just post it and start afresh with a new chapter next week

I'm really excited to write this book!
I'll be back soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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