Chapter Five

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The visits went on and Stiles got continuously more comfortable with Derek being around. They would spend the afternoons on the couch together and Stiles would even help with lunch sometimes. His bruises were now dull blemishes and he was moving around much better. His confidence around people, other than his dad and Derek, was still nonexistent. That lead to today.

Derek was in the kitchen, hand deep in making homemade pizza. Stiles had insisted to just use the stuff in the freezer but Derek told him that this was his specialty. So now dough was scattered all over the counters and marinara had oozed onto the floor. Derek himself was covered in flour so when the door rang Stiles was the only one left to open it.

He knows he shouldn't have, but he had to conquer his demons some time. He took a few tentative steps and heard Derek singing in the kitchen. He had a lovely voice and Stiles wished that he would just turn around and help Derek with something in the kitchen. But he had to do this. At least he thought he did.

So he swallowed he nerves and looked out the peephole. It was a man with a brown outfit, holding a brown box. Just the UPS man, Stiles remixed himself. He unlocked the door and twisted the handle. A long breath and lots of thinking later, the door swung open under his hands command. The UPS guy smiled at Stiles and said something.

This was the first person other than his father and close family friends, including Derek, that he had made contact with.

"What?" Stiles asked the brown clad man.

"Sign?" the UPS guy asked Stiles, holding out a pen and pad.

Stiles took the pen with shaky hands and signed his name. The signature looked more like a scribble than his name but the guy excepted it and handed Stiles the fairly small box. Stiles looked through the door to the kitchen but Derek hadn't heard anything over the music he was listening to.

He quietly made his way to the couch and sank down into it, feeling safer than before. She feebly tried to rip the tap off of the box but his fingers wouldn't listen. Instead he grabbed the letter opener from the table in the middle of the room and cut through the tape.

He opened the box slowly and at the top was a white letter with his name written on it in cursive. He slowly opened it and what he saw was something that chilled him to the bone.

"Just wanted to give you something to remember me by. I'll be seeing you soon.

Stiles dug through the packing peanuts frantically and his hand met cold leather. He grasped the leather and pulled it up slowly. His eyes were wide when he pulled out his old think, black, heavy collar. The D ring was still intact and it had been shined to perfection. Stiles dropped it out if fear and looked around to make sure no one had seen.

He ran upstairs and shoved the box under his bed, hard. But all he could think about was one line:

"I'll be seeing you soon."

A/N: Well guys, I almost don't want to say this. After *cough cough* 5 weeks *cough cough* I finally updated! I know this is a short chapter but I feel like it's a very important one. And who do you guys think the mysterious "D" is?? Ohhhhhh... but anyway, I love all of you (especially the ones who comment ;) ) and I am truly sorry for the long wait... but enjoy the new chapter!!

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