Chapter Twelve

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Things were bad.  Things were very very bad. As the lights came on, Stiles' bloodshot eyes roamed to the man. The man who had ruined it all. His life, his future, even his... Derek. He had taken everything from Stiles and from the glint of pure joy in his eyes, Stiles could tell that he had enjoyed every second of it.

"Foolish little boy. That's what you are really. You let me, a complete stranger, befriend you. And then you ran from me. No one runs from me!" he shouted. "Now I have your little boyfriend and there's nothing you can do about it. I've made sure that this time there will be no... escaping." The man ran his hand along the bars that held Stiles in and winked. "We'll see how long you last," and with that he started to make his way back up the stairs.

"Wait!" Stiles yelled. "What have you done with Derek? Tell me!"

The man looked back and smiled. "Nothing good I assure you."


The dark was starting to get to Stiles and he could take it no longer. He started to scream again, but to no avail. Until he hear another scream that wasn't his. And then he realized who exactly the sound originated from.

"Derek!" he screamed. Nothing... "Derek!" he tried again. He pushed at the bars, threw his body against them but they wouldn't move.

And then he heard a click. Stiles felt around the bars until he found the doorway. He must have jostled it around enough that the lock had fallen out of place.

Stiles took his opportunity and ran up the stairs. He opened the door slowly and peaked out. There was a tiny bare room. The window was boarded up but Stiles didn't see anyone. The house was still. He must be gone.

Stiles venture farther to find a small hallway with two doors. The first opened to a bathroom. Stiles was scared. He didn't know if he wanted Derek to be behind the next door or not. The handle felt cold in his grip and he turned it slowly. His heart dropped when he saw the scene in from of him. 

"Derek!" he screeched.

The older man had his hands tied to the back of a chair. He was completely naked and his body had been mutilated. Cuts ranged from shallow, small ones to much larger gashes.

Stiles rushed forward and went to untie him. "You're ok. You'll be fine. I promise, Derek. Everything's going to be fine," Stiles mumbled to himself as he worked on untying the intricate nots bounding Derek's hands together.

"Hmm?" came a confused mumbled.

"Derek! It's me. I'm here Derek." A pained moan was the only response Stiles got so he worked faster. Once the rope fell to the ground Stiles came back to the front of Derek. "Come on. Give me your arm. We're leaving."

Derek's eyes were focused on something over Stiles' shoulder and he mumbled something Stiles couldn't understand.

"What?" he asked, moving his ear closer to Derek's mouth.

"Behind y-you." Stiles frowned.

"Escaping again, are we?" came a voice.

A/N: So sorry for the long wait! Everyone should be happy to here I already have the next chapter wrote. You should expect two more chapters of this story and then I'll start writing Red Riding Hood again! Yay to its fans. Thanks for reading!!

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