Chapter 1

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Broken. A feeling of emptiness and depression. Although one may have felt weak, the people who were once broken, are the strongest.

It was a typical Monday. I woke up to see Tom asleep next to me. Ever since I started my relationship with Tom, waking up wrapped in his arms had become the best part of my day. I slowly sat up and checked my watch. I realized I had thirty minutes before me and tom had to go to the set of the new movie we were starring in. "Good morning. Come on get up we gotta go soon.", I said as I tried to get Tom off the bed. He groaned and pulled me back into his arms. "No Tom, we gotta go.", I said desperately. "Noooo", he said as he groaned. "Tom we have 30 minutes.", I said. He let me go and jumped out of bed. "What the hell are you waiting for then?", he asked as he began to change his clothes. "You!", I said playfully as I threw a pillow at him. I went into my room and changed. I finished and walked out to the living room. Harrison was watching a movie on the couch. "Harrison, we're leaving. Make sure to take Tessa outside please.", I said to him as he nodded. "Alright.", he said as Tom walked out of his room. "Ready?", I asked. "Yeah", he replied as he put his arm around me. We got into the car and drove to work. A few hours later, we left and drove home. When we got home, Tom told me something a bit surprising. "Hey baby, I'm gonna go out with my friends, I'll be back in an hour.", he said as he walked out the door. "Oh..ok. Don't drink too much.", I said. "Harrison!", I yelled as I ran to his room. "What?", he said. "Tom said he was going out with his friends. Do you know where they're going? ", I asked. "No, I wasn't invited, and I didn't even know about it.", he said. "Don't you both have the same friends?", I asked. "Yeah we do.", he responded. "Ok that's really weird.", I said as he nodded. I walked out of Harrison's room and walked into mine. I began to watch TV and text Tom. I got no response. Two hours passed, still no response. I decided to get up and see if Harrison heard anything. "Harrison!", I said as I walked into his room. "Yeah?", he said. "I haven't heard from Tom since he left and it's been like two hours!", I said. "Calm down, I'll text him.", he said as he pulled out his phone. "Ok thanks, I'm gonna take Tessa outside.", I said as I walked out. I grabbed the leash and took Tessa outside for a walk. I spent the whole walk staring at my phone. Still no response from Tom. I few minutes later, I saw he left me on read which he never does. I walked back inside with Tessa and she ran to Harrison. "Hey Tessa!", I heard him say as I locked the door and walked to him. "Any response?", I asked. "Nope. I'll call him.", he said as he pulled out his phone. "Ok thanks.", I said as I heard the phone ring. "Straight to voicemail.", he said. "I'm going to get him.", he said as he got off his bed. "Do you know where he is?", I asked. "He's probably drinking.", he said. "Wait let me check my smartwatch.", I said as I looked down. "He's at a house, maybe he went to someone's house.....Oh wait he's moving.", I said. "Let me know where he stops.", he said. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch, staring at my watch. Five minutes later, he stopped at his favorite bar. I ran to Harrison's room. "He's at the bar now.", I said as he got up form his chair. "Same as always?", he asked. "Yup.", I said as I grabbed my phone. He grabbed his keys and we walked out the door. We got in his car and he began to drive to the bar. I was staring out the window,  thinking about what he could have been doing. "You ok?", I heard Harrison ask. "Y-Yeah I'm fine", I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "He's fine ok? I'm sure he's fine. Maybe his phone died.", he said. "Maybe.", I said. We pulled into the parking lot and walked inside. I saw Tom sitting next to a girl and talking to her. At that moment, I felt like my whole world came crashing down into pieces. I began sobbing and ran into the car. I sat in the passenger seat, and had that image stuck in my mind. He was staring at her, staring at her the way he used to stare at me. They ordered the same drinks we used to. Everything looked the same, except the fact that it was her and not me. I broke down again and drowned my shirt in tears. Harrison got in the car. "I'm sorry Y/N", he said as he comforted me. He wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth. We stayed there for a few minutes. "I'm gonna go talk to him.", he said as he let go. "What's the point? He's already in love with her.", I said, as my voice broke. "Y/N he's drunk! He probably has no idea what happened in the past three minutes.", he said. "I'm gonna go talk to him.", he said as he left. He walked into the bar and went up to Tom. "Let's go.", he said. "Oh hey Harrison. Go where?", Tom asked. "To go give your girlfriend a long explanation as to what the hell you were doing.", he said as he dragged Tom out of the bar. "She's in the car?",  Tom asked. "Yes, and you better be careful with your words, she's hurt enough.", he said as he opened the car. "I'll move to the back.", I said to Harrison. I moved to the back seat and Tom sat in the passenger seat. Everyone was silent the entire car ride, and I was trying to contain myself from crying. Halfway through the drive, I couldn't hold it anymore, and broke down again. Harrison looked back at me, and then looked at Tom. Tom shook his head and kept quiet. We got to the apartment and I went to my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed and cried for an hour. Harrison knocked on my door. "Y/N, let me in please" he said. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. He came in and sat down on my bed. "I talked to Tom.", he said. "Harrison please, I don't wanna be in this anymore. There's nothing either of us can do. He wants her.", I said  as I sat down next to him. "At least talk to him. He wants to talk to you.", he said. "Harrison, I can't. I'm sorry but I really can't.", I said. "Come on Y/N, it doesn't have to be today.", he said. "Maybe tomorrow.", I said. "Ok, goodnight.", he said as he hugged me. "Night.", I said as he walked away. I decided to try and distract myself so I grabbed my phone. That wasn't the best idea. I ended up looking through pictures of me and Tom in my gallery and crying. It was 12 A.M and I couldn't sleep. There were too many memories, and they were everywhere. The more I was in my room the more memories would come up of nights where we would fall asleep watching movies, cuddling, and just talking. That was one of my favorite things about Tom. He was someone who I could talk to about anything and he would understand. Some nights we would spend 3 to 4 hours talking about everything we could. I had to get out of my room. I lied down on the couch and ended up falling asleep.

Broken - A Tom Holland Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now