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Diecisiete - Still Falling

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Diecisiete - Still Falling

Artemis Cloud Romanoff was gone for long damn 3 weeks. Wanda Maximoff almost got crazy but once she saw Artemis smiles she calmed down. Artemis was glowing in a good way. Artemis finally accepted that her feelings for Wanda wouldn't go away like that easy. Artemis admit that she's falling too fast but can you blame her? No one ever show the care Wanda had shown her. Artemis blamed herself for putting meanings to the way Wanda look at her. Artemis wanted to talk to Wanda because she figured out how to bring Vision back.

"Clint" Artemis called.


"Can you tell Wanda that I want to talk to her?" She asked.

"Why don't you tell her that yourself?"

"I'm shy. I was rude to her the last time I'm here" Artemis explained.

"Just talk to her. She missed you. A lot" Clint said.

Artemis sighed as Clint Barton walked away. Her book was flying around her and for her perspective, it was teasing her. Her book have been great at communicating with her. Well, for Artemis, it's more like great at annoying her.

"Don't start with me" Artemis warned her book.

Artemis looked at Wanda. Wanda was in the kitchen. They haven't talk to each other when she got there. Artemis don't know what to know. Artemis really want to talk to Wanda but she wants to see the Scarlet Witch first. She felt like the Scarlet Witch were annoyed at her.

"Stop overthinking, Artemis. Just talk to my sister" Pietro said as he pushed her to enter the kitchen.

Artemis was about to hit Pietro Maximoff for pushing her but Pietro quickly run away. Yeah, you better run, she thought. Artemis feel eyes on her and she slowly turned her head, catching Wanda looking at her. Wanda quickly turned around. Ugh, she caught me looking at her, Wanda thought. Wanda tried her best to hide her blush. 


Wanda turned around and looked at her. Wanda smiled and Artemis smiled too. Artemis felt someone strongly pushed her, making her trip on her feet and Wanda quickly catches her. Wanda took a quick glance to the person who pushed Artemis and saw Pietro teasingly smiled at them. 

"Be careful" Wanda whispered as she smell Artemis's scent.

Artemis looked up, mesmerized by Wanda's eyes. Artemis shake her head to stop herself. I can't let myself fall, She warned herself. Artemis quickly pulled herself up and step away from Wanda.

"I need to tell you something" "I want to tell you something" Artemis and Wanda said at the same time.

"You, first" "No, go ahead" Again, Artemis and Wanda said at the same time.

Artemis nodded as she bit the inside of her mouth. Her book have told her how to bring Vision back but there's a big consequences.

"I-i know how to bring Vision back"

Wanda was surprised. After a year without Vision, she was used at being alone. She didn't need him anymore.


"But there's a consequences"


"Yes. My book said in order to bring Vision back I need to give up my powers and" Artemis paused as she thought.

"And what?"

"And die" Artemis whispered.


"In order to bring him back, I need to die and give up my powers"

"No, you can't do that"

Artemis confusedly looked at Wanda. Wasn't she happy that I could bring him back?, Artemis asked herself. Wanda turned around to continue what she was doing. She can feel Artemis's eyes on her, watching and just observing her. Wanda can't let Artemis do that. Wanda can't afford to lose someone else again. Wanda already gave up on Vision and she was ready to move forward. 

"Where did you go?" Wanda asked. 


"What did you do?" Again, Wanda asked. 

"Trained how to control myself and not let my book overcontrol me" Artemis answered. 

"Well, can you?"

"Getting there" Artemis said as she scratch her itchy palms. 

"Any updates on the names?"

Artemis wanted to hug Wanda so much but she knew she can't do that because anytime she can feel herself falling. Artemis wanted Wanda to face her and look at her the way she did but again, she can't let herself fall. Artemis don't want to hurt herself as she don't want to hurt Wanda. Wanda can feel that. Artemis thoughts were too loud and she can read them clearly. 

"Natasha, Steve and Tony's first names cleared up" 

"My kids?"

"I-I'm sorry but no progress" 

Wanda turned her head to look at Artemis. Artemis quickly took her eyes out of Wanda and bit the inside of her cheek. Wanda slowly walked closer to her as Artemis started to walk backwards. Artemis feel nervous because Wanda were looking at her with no emotion on her face. Artemis don't know what to do. Artemis looked at her back and saw nothing that could be a reason for her to leave. 

"Artemis" Wanda called her. 


"Look at me" Wanda demanded. 

Artemis closed her eyes tightly before turning her head to look at Wanda. Wanda continued to walk forward as Artemis continued to step backward. Wanda stopped from walking as she saw the wall's few inches away from Artemis back. Wanda took one step forward and finally, Artemis's back was against the wall. Wanda saw how Artemis slowly opened her eyes and how she bit her lower lip on nervousness. 


"Don't talk"

Artemis shut her mouth as she feel her anxiety started to kick in. Could someone save, please? She thought. Artemis saw a smirk slowly forming on Wanda's face. Artemis realized that Wanda could read her mind and Wanda knew how nervous she was. 

"Don't avoid me again" Wanda warned her. 

"O-okay" Artemis said as she looked down. 

Wanda lifted Artemis's chin up using her fingers, making Artemis looked at her. Am I gonna let myself fall? Artemis and Wanda asked themselves at the same time. The moment they look at each other's lips and each other's eyes they already know the answer. 

"Can I?" Wanda asked. 

Artemis don't know what to answer. She wasn't sure about it but when she saw how Wanda wanted this the way she wanted it, she nodded. Wanda smiled at her before slowly lean forward and let her lip touch Artemis's lips and finally let themselves fall. 

"There's no turning back" Wanda thought to herself as she deepen the kiss. 

"I just let myself fall" Artemis thought as she closed her eyes and respond. 

Pietro and Clint slowly looked at each other after they took a peak in the kitchen. They both quietly fist bump and exchange 20 bucks. 

"Nailed it" 

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