Remedy: 37

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My eyes fluttered open when I heard someone call my name after rudely shaking me awake. Trap stood on the side of the bed looking back and forth between me and something behind me. Confused, I turned my head and my eyes widened seeing Glo asleep next to me. That's when I looked down and noticed his arms around my waist.

I didn't mean to fall asleep with him, I just couldn't stop crying for him and that ended up with me falling asleep with him.

I also noticed Boogie and Shawn standing by the door, Boogie looking slightly angry and Shawn just looked completely confused. Quickly, but quietly making sure not to wake Glo I slipped from his arms and out of the bed.

Letting out a sigh of relief I motioned for the door, which Trap reluctantly walked too with Boogie and Shawn following behind him. I spared one more glance at a sleeping Glo before I also left the room meeting the boys in the hallway.

"Y'all need a minute or something?" Shawn asked, I'm guessing he sensed Trap's anger.

"No, she just need to explain what the fuck I walked in on," Trap replied and I can feel him staring a hole into the side of my face, which kinda made me nervous.

We didn't talk much after I told him what went down a couple years ago. We just fell asleep right after and then he left.

"Jumanji cheated on Glo with Damien, she's pregnant and I'm 80% sure that it's not Glo's baby. I told Glo a couple of hours ago...and-and he just flipped." I felt the tears starting to swell in my eyes again. "He destroyed everything, he was hurting...he was hurting so bad and I was going to leave because I was scared...b-but he needed someone so I stayed to comfort him. I didn't mean to fall asleep with him, I just wanted to be there in case he did anything stupid." I finished explaining and wiped my face.

I turned towards Trap ready to apologize but instead I was pulled into his comforting embrace. I buried my face into his chest not caring about the tears that were soaking his shirt.

"So, you told him after all," I heard Boogie say and I turned around to face him. He looked just as angry as he did when we were in Glo's room.

"Yeah and now I feel like I broke him," I replied crossing my arms over my chest.

"Wait nigga you knew she was fucking Damien?" Shawn asked rather aggressively.

Boogie shrugged his shoulders, "I knew something was going on but I didn't know exactly what the fuck it was. If I would've known it was that, I would've told Glo myself." Boogie explained before glancing at me.

"How long have this shit been going on?" Trap asked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "In all honesty I'm not sure. She only told me about her and Damien when she found out she was pregnant. I didn't even know they were friends, besides that one time they were assigned partners on a project."

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and took it out. I was shocked to see Desire's name pop up on my screen. We haven't talked since I threw a brick at her car.

I looked back at the boys before taking a few steps away from them. "Um what?" I said after answering my phone and bringing it up to my ear.

"D, it's Damien, Desire was shot."

I could feel my heart pick up the pace as it slowly began to ache. "Where are you?" I quickly asked, placing my hand over my chest. I know me and Desire haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, but she's my sister and I'll be damn if I have to be the one to tell papa that he just lost a daughter.

"The hospital, we got here about 45 minutes ago and she's still in surgery," he responded.

Immediately my anger flew sky rocket. "Damien what the fuck, your just now calling me?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I shouted into the phone.

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