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James pov
When i get into Riley's room i see the same guy hitting on Riley earlier.

"how many times do i need to tell you to leave me alone Kale" she cries

"I had to wait hours for him to leave. And now your alone" He keeps his tight grip nd pulls her closer to him. I could tell it was hurting her. He tries to kiss her

"Do you ever wonder why, i left i the first place. I wanted to get away from you" she shouts

"Oi" he releases her to look at me "you heard her, leave her alone"

"Why would I?" He shhots back

"because-" I punch him, I don't know why, i didn't even think. Before he can stand up I get Riley and run. I take her outside the back, cos theres 90% chance he wont look there for her

"Thanks" she whispers

"I'm Sorry"

"for what" when i face her i could tell she was crying even in the dark

"I should've paid more attention and noticed he was there"

"It's not your fault," she says sweetly

"What was that about?"

"at my old school, I was tricked, he tricked me. I was upset the one day, he came over to, promised me everything would get better for me if was to trust him, so I did. He took me to a 'special place' and then he tried to make a move on me. i never let him, after that day he never left me alone, whenever i was alone, he would always try to. I wasn't safe, his friends began to help him. I went to see an old friend today, that's when he saw me pass, if you wasn't there, i wouldn't ave been able to fight against him" I feel bad for her and for when i tried to make a move on her when I first met her. I hear her front door shut and i know he's left

"lets go back inside" she nodded and followed me.
We spent the next few hours talking. When it was around midnight i could see she was getting tired.

Chloes pov
All of A troupe were at Stephs house other than James, RIley and Giselle well Giselle was ill but ive been trying to get through to James and Rileys phones but non would answer, I am a little worried cos of what Riley told me of what happened with her and James, but as the night goes on i begin to forget everything, they'll be alright.

James' pov
What i had dreamed about was happening, me and Riley were making out, roughly. I don't want to stop. I was enjoying it. "Are... you... ok" i find myself asking. She doesn't respond, I slowly move my hand up underneath her top...

My eyes flash open. AGAIN! why do i keep dreaming of this. I look around to see that again I'm sleeping next to Riley. At least this time I remember what happened last night. I watch her. Her eyes open then close

"Morning" she says smiling, still her eyes closed.

"Good Morning" I say "have any good dreams"

"one" she smiles more and then she opens her eyes and sits up

"Well get changed, I wanna take you somewhere" I leave the room to get changed

Rileys pov
I get in James' car and he takes me somewhere. Before i get out of the car James turns my head so that I'm looking at him

"I've never took anyone here before, if you tell anyone, I'm gonna have to give them" I just Smile and i get out. Its beautiful, perfect green grass, flowers and there's a rock. But i am a little scared cos its on the edge. if you go to close to the edge then there's a long drop to the water "come on" he climbs up onto the rock, its a little high and its made of three different rocks put together.

"are you sure?"

"I found this place when i was eight, and i know it would hold"

"I'll rather not actually"

"aww" he climbs down. "I'm gonna have to go to plan b" He goes closer to the edge and takes his shoes and shirt off

"er what are you doing"

"well you have to options, 1. jump or 2. i'll push you" hes not serious is he. he puts his shoes and shirt on the grass, and then he picks me and takes me closer

"No, no, no, no" but he still takes me closer " ok ill jump" luckily i had my shorts underneath my dress "theres no one that'll see us is there?"

"No, no one can see, no one knows about this place." I take my dress off so i'm left in my bra and shorts. I grab James' hand, there's no way i'm jumping alone
"Ready" he asks, all i can do is nod, I'm terrified "now" we run and jump in. It was a long drop but I've got James next to me the whole time. I go under the water and quickly go up for air the same time James does
"was that so bad"

"Depends, how do we get back?"

"I don't know, it was the first time i jumped too" When i heard that i was a little worried but as the time passed, i didn't care, i could stay here as long as i'm with james after some hours we finally found away out.

"one problem james, My clothes are up there" i signal to the edge

"Ok you stay here, ill be back with you clothes"

James' pov
As soon as i leave Riley everything changes, all i felt for Riley is gone. I suddenly go back to as though it was my first day meeting her.
I get home and I get changed. When i go down stairs my sister notices me

"Why are you here?"

"I live here. duh"

"No I mean your ment to be at Riley's house for the weekend"

"oh, well, she got ill so i thought it would be better for me to come home" I would just go fetch my car and clothes tomorrow...

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