It is impossible...

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-To staple water to a tree

-For a Fangirl to be socially normal

-For a Fangirl to be emotionally stable

-To not cry during BOTFA

-To be able to wait for March 25 (BOTFA DVD release)

-to listen to JB without dying

-to listen to 1D without your ears bleeding

-to read/watch twilight without barfing

-to not faint when Orlando Bloom kisses you

-to not faint when any LOTR/hobbit character/actor kisses you

-to not faint when any LOTR/hobbit character/actor makes eye contact with you

-to put a bra on when you are wet

-to stay calm when you reach 1k reads/votes/comments/all three

-to keep calm and carry on when Thorin, Fili, Kili, Boromir, Haldir, and Dobby when they die

-to NOT sing when Legolas says' "THEYRE TAKIN THE HOBBITS TO ISENGARD!" XD

-to not do a Fangirl squeal when Gandalf says YOU SHALL NOT PASS and Boromir says 'ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY WALK INTO MORDOR

-to not flinch when Pippin knocks the skele down the well

-to not Fangirl once during the whole hobbit trilogy or LOTR trilogy

-to put a mento in your mouth and then drink Coke [it gets EVERYWHERE and coke STAINS]

-to not sing let it go when someone says let it go

-to not say 'obviously' in Snape's voice SNAPE SNAPE SEVERUS SNAPE

-to survive a fall out a window from three stories up, break your back, get told you won't ever walk again, and then WALK OUTTA THE HOSPITAL A WEEK LATER ON CRUTCHES [Orlando bloom must be invincible or something]

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