Chapter 5

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Harry freezes for a beat, and Louis can tell he's processing the information he's just received. Aiden. Realization dawns on Harry's face, but he quickly hides whatever expression was forming and extends his hand for Aiden to shake.

"Nice to meet you," he says, smiling widely. "Are you the private chef? I didn't think we were doing that tonight, babe." He looks from Aiden to Louis expectantly.

Louis's eyes widen as he understands what's going on. Harry knows exactly who the fuck Aiden is, he's just refusing to let on. He shoots Louis a quick wink.

"Uh, no, no, not a chef," Aiden chuckles uneasily, dropping Harry's hand. "I'm just an old friend of Louis', from L.A. I'm in town to see a client and thought I'd drop by since I was in the neighborhood. I'm sorry to interrupt...I should have called first."

"Oh, no, it's no problem! What a lovely surprise!" Harry is still smiling and looking at Louis- who has yet to say a word- silently urging him to speak up and end the awkwardness.

"I'm just so surprised to see you," Louis finally stammers. It's the understatement of the year, but it's all he can come up with at the moment. Aiden's timing could not possibly be worse.

Louis and Harry are still staring at each other, even as they both address Aiden. Aiden looks back and forth between them uncertainly. "Well, listen, I should let you two be, but I'll be in town for a few days. Maybe we can grab lunch or something?"

Louis finally shifts his gaze from Harry to Aiden. His eyes are searching Louis' hopefully—for what, Louis can only guess. He still can't believe Aiden is here, standing in his kitchen. It doesn't seem real. There were nights in his past that he would have given just about anything to have Aiden show up like this, but this isn't one of those nights. Louis has plans.

When Louis doesn't answer Aiden right away, Harry clears his throat and says, "You know, Louis and I don't have anything important going on tonight. Why don't you two grab dinner and catch up? I can meet you for drinks later."

"That'd be great," Aiden responds in a rush, looking at Louis for approval. Louis feels as if he's moving under water, like everything he says and does is happening with a 10-second lag time behind reality. He can't very well say no to this now. Thanks a lot, Harry.

"Um, sure," he agrees, trying his best to sound like it's no big deal. "We can do that. Just let me walk you out, Harry."

Louis grabs Harry's elbow and guides him back to the front door, growling at him the entire way. "I'm glad to hear we didn't have anything important going on tonight."

"I had to do something," Harry defends himself. "You were standing there like a deer in the headlights!"

"I'm sorry," Louis offers. He knows he was useless in there. "This is just so... I don't even know what to say. I haven't even talked to him in almost a year. I swear."

Harry hesitates for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "You don't owe me an explanation," he finally says. "You can do whatever you want. You know that."

"I do know that," Louis replies with a huff. Harry is being way too nonchalant about all this, and it's pissing him off, even though he doesn't know why. It's the condition Louis imposed on this arrangement, after all. "I just thought...never mind. I'll call you after dinner."

"Sounds good." Harry looks Louis up and down and bites his lower lip. "I'll just take a raincheck on know." He raises one eyebrow at Louis suggestively, leering as Louis shoves him out the door. Honestly. If Harry is going to sell Louis out to his intruding ex-boyfriend so easily, he'll be damn lucky to get a raincheck.

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