Get Ready For MAMA

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Kehlani Pov

The Day Of The MAMA



Me:K//JIN OPPA!!!!

Jin:*comes in* K//why are you two yelling!

Me:K//he won't leave me alone because he can't find his earring make it stop please. I just want to sleep

Jin:K//Jimin-ah leave her alone

Me:*phone alarm goes off* did my- *glares at Jimin and walks out*

-I've been in the dorm with them for 3 days and this is what we've come too. Already I'm about to rip his pretty little face on his very nice neck. It's probably payback because I accidentally bumped him yesterday after practice and he dropped his cup but it was after I moved he's just a baby. I went to get myself together because I have to go practice. Today is my Ateez practice day yesterday I was with BTS. A complete 24 hours with them....I don't know. Sometimes I feel older than some of them. I didn't dress too fancy today because I'm probably going to be sweating quite a bit

-Since the whole incident i've been laying low on activities and social media. Clothing wise im not supposed to wear any dresses, and wear as less skirts as possible. Everyone knows don't wear shirts a lot of the time. I may wear a hoodie to cover myself or an oversized shirt but they'll be lucky to catch me in a sleeveless.

Me:K//alright everybody I'm leaving

Jungkook:K//why so soon?

Me:K//I want to see someone before I go to practice

Jimin:K//is it another guy?

Me:K//uhh yes

Jimin:*looks at me crazy*

Me:K//I'm joking calm down

-I said bye to everyone else then left. I went to see Reiann. I haven't seen her in a while and it's nice to hang out with a non-idol friend when you can

Me:*hugs her*hiii

Reiann:*hugs me* Lani, whats up

Me:*sits down* K//i missed you I haven't seen you in months

Reiann:*chuckles* K//I miss you too Kehlani

Me:K//how are you

Reiann:K//I'm doing well actually but I have news

Me:oh yeah?

Reiann:K//I'm applying to be an idol stylist

Me:K//nooo really?? That's amazing

Reiann:K//I'm glad your excited

Me:K//when will you know?

Reiann:K//in a few weeks

Me:K//I'm so happy for you *smiles*

Reiann:K//more than you can say obviously

Me:K//yes! I think you'll like it

Reiann:K//I'll take you word for it, so what's going on with you

Me:K//well my next shows will be the last

Reiann:K//last!? Your leaving?

Me:K//no! *laughs* sorry I should've been specific. After this one I'm going on a real hiatus. When I come back it'll either be a comeback or when I'm finally able to see the boys again

Reiann:K//no date yet huh

Me:K//sadly no but soon I'm hoping

Reiann:K//is anything else bothering you?

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