I Know You Love Me, I Know You Care<3

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When Nir walked into class that day, he felt something different. The sky was sus and so were his classmates. He sat next to his crush, Big Chungus, and they had min. Suddenly, Dina walked in. She had a shit ton of drip and a WAP. Ziv and Lewis walked up to him and said: "bruv Dina's smokin' hot". Nir was surprised because apparently Big Chungus is pregante and he is the father, which is weird because he doesn't have one ): But then, Nir looked at Dina again, and she looked more bootyfool than ever. He could not resist her beauty and they held hands. Out of the blue, Dina slapped Nir and called him a rapist, because she didn't want to hold hands. Nir Cried. Klil told him not to cry and they watched my little pony until Itay showed up and they had min again. Then Big Chungus gave birth to Hitler and God said poggers when he molested baby Hitler. Can we get an F for Hitler? No. 

end of chapter one uwu. 

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