-Chapter 2

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Kinda messed up the first chapter so here's the 2nd chapter! Lemme know what you think. Vote & comment!


We just got to the concert and were now looking for a parking spot. When we parked we got out and i fixed myself. "YESSSSS! I'm so ready to see my baby tonight!" I semi yelled. "Omg, come on Chanel." Nahomy said while laughing. We walked towards the entrance and gave the guy our tickets. "Sister, let's go to the front." "Ok." We walked to the front and i saw one of my old friends from my old job. "OMG! KAYLA! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH GIRL!" "CHANEL! OMG! HOW ARE YOU?!" Kayla was a small petite Puerto Rican girl with like dirty blonde hair that touched her butt. She was gorgeous. "I'm good, how are you? its been a while." "Yea, i know but I've been pretty good, just trying to finish school." she said slightly rolling her eyes. "School? what are going to school for?" "To become a cosmetologist." "Aye, that means your gonna be my personal stylist." I chuckled and so did she. "of course you know I got you whenever girl." she said smiling. "Oh this is my Bestfriend Nahomy, Nahomy this is my old friend Kayla." "Hi, nice to meet you." Kayla said holding her hand out. "Girl, I hug!" Nahomy said laughing. "But hey girl, its nice to meet you too." "YOOOO! ARE YA READY FOR THE ONE AND ONLY AUGUST ALSINA?!" the DJ yelled. "YESSSSSS!" everybody yelled. It got dark and out of nowhere the stage lights came on and Aug, my baby, walked on stage. "Waaaaaaaaaaan! wassup errbody, a lot of you know me but for those that don't, my name is August Alsina." All I could do was stare at him. Damn this man is heaven sent. "Y'ALL READY?!" Everybody started screaming. The lights dimmed and he started singing.
"I love the way you keep them heels on, hair ain't your but its payed for and it's real long,
show them tattoos, when you switch it up witcho J's on and you got an ass so fat that I can't help but feel on, and you keep it real when it come to having sex, girl you don't eva flex, long as I fuck you good you ain't worried bout what's next. That's why I keep you here, you ain't like them other hoes, cause the fucking best just in case you didn't know."

He sang while staring at me. He helded out his hand and I grabbed it. He helped me on stage and sang to me. I felt tears rolling down my face, I didn't even realize I was crying. When he finished up the song, he smiled at me, hugged me and kissed my forehead. I just smiled. I couldn't believe it. I jumped off stage and went back to Nahomy. "OMG! SISTER! I CANT BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED!" she yelled. "I know, I'm still shocked." "Well the nights not over let's party." She pulled me to the bar and I winced in pain. My body was still sore. "Omg Nahomy calm down I'm coming gosh." We ordered some drinks and danced a little until a big black guy approached us. "Excuse me miss, I don't mean to interrupt you but my boss want to see you." "And your boss is?" "Oh sorry, August Alsina." "Why does he need me?" I asked kind of confused. Why would August Alsina want me? "I don't know miss he just sent me to find you." "Call me Chanel or Nel and ok I guess." "Ok Chanel, follow me." "Ok, Nany, I'll be right back." I said to Nahomy. I followed who I guess is Aug's security backstage. "He's right in there." "Ok, Thanks...?" "Oh, just call me Big T." "Big T, ok thank you." I walked up to the door and knocked. He yelled come in so I slowly twisted the door knob and opened the door. He looked up from his phone and smiled. "Wazzam ma?" "Hey." I said shyly. "Have a seat mama." I closed the door and walked over to him and sat down. He just looked at me up and down. I hope he didn't send Big T to come get me so he can get a quick nut because its not gonna happen, im a big fan but i'm not no hoe. "Sorry ma, I didn't get your name." "Its Chanel but you can call me Nel." "Nice too meet you beautiful." he said while smiling. "Nice to meet you too August." "So what is your gorgeous self doing here by yourself?" "Actually I'm not by myself, I'm with my Bestfriend Nahomy, she surprised me with tickets because she knows how much of a fan I am." He chuckled. "Well tell her I said thank you." "Thank you for....?" I said slightly confused. "Thank you for gettin' the tickets because if she didn't I wouldn't have met you." he said smiling causing me to smile and blush. "Aww look at you blushing an shit." he chuckled. "omg shut up!" I playfully hit him while laughing. "Tell me about yourself ma." I started telling him some stuff about me. "Well, I was born in Harlem, New York, when I was about 13 my mom got addicted and stopped coming home and left me to take care of my 10 year old brother, I had to work my ass off to take care of him. I never knew my father so there's not much to say about him. When I was about 16 I got in the "game" to make quick money. Nahomy was by my side ever step of the way, she's basically my sister. When I got enough money I left the drug business and moved my brother and I over here in ATL, of course Nahomy came with me and now I'm following my dream trying to become a songwriter." "Wow Nel... I don't even know what to say, your a strong ass woman." "Everything I did and do now was and is for Jason, my brother. He's my everything and basically is my son." "I have so much respect for you mama." We just started talking about anything and everything after that. I was really enjoying myself, he's a good listener. My phone vibrated in my purse, I got it out and looked at it to see a text from Derek.

Derek: Wtf are you?! because ik your ass still isn't at "dinner" with Nahomy.

My eyes got big when I looked and the time. Its going on 3:30 am. "Omg! I have to go im so sorry August, I had an amazing night, bye!" I got up about to run out the door and find Nany but Aug stopped me. "Wait ma, why are you rushin' out like this?!" "I gotta go August! he's gonna kill me." I said mumbling that last part but he heard me anyways. "Who's gonna kill you Chanel, calm down." "Nobody Aug, just please, let me leave." i said as tears started running down my cheek but I quickly wiped them so he wouldn't see. "Can I atleast get your number?" "Fine, hurry and give me your phone." He gave it to me and I put my number under: Nel😍😅. "Ok, here. Bye Aug, thank you for a good night." I ran out the door before he could say anything else and saw Nahomy sitting in VIP with Trey Songz. Right now I didn't care if he was Obama, I need to go. I ran right pass security, upstairs to VIP and grabbed Nahomys hand and ran out the club and getting into the car. "OMG NEL WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" "I HAVE TO GO NANY, HES GONNA KILL ME!" I said crying. "WHO'S GONNA KILL YOU!?" "DEREK!" "Chanel your not going home, I told you to leave him before I catch a case!" "Nel, I have to. It'll only be worse if I don't." "What if he kills you, I won't have a sister anymore and I will go to jail because I'll murder him. I can't lose you Nel, I can't." she said crying. "Nahomy your not gonna lose me, I promise I'll leave soon. I'm gonna be ok. Sister, please stop crying. I hate when your like this." "And I hate that your getting hurt like this!" she said. "I hate that you fear going home everyday because your scared he's gonna hurt you. You deserve so much more." she said. I pulled into her driveway and looked at her. "Please stop Nany, your making me feel worse." "Whatever, umm I'll see you whenever. I love you Chanel. Text me as soon as you get home." "I will and I love you more, please don't be mad." We hugged eachother before she got out. I pulled out her driveway and made my way home. When I pulled into my garage I shot Nany a quick text telling her I'm home.

Me: I'm home.

Sister💖👭:Ok call me if anything.

Me: I will. Goodnight, I love you Bestfriend

Sister: Be breezy! Lmaooo I love you more

I laughed and got out of the car and locked it. I walked up to the door and unlocked it. I sighed, here we go again. I walked in, closed and locked the door and walked up stairs quietly. I put my stuff down and made sure to take my phone in the bathroom with me. I went to the bathroom locked the door, got undressed and got in the shower.


August P.O.V

I was chopping it up with Chanel for awhile until her phone vibrated. I watched as she read the message. Her eyes got big and she jumped up. "Omg! I have to go im so sorry August, I had an amazing night, bye!" she was about to run out the door but I stopped her. "Wait ma, why are you rushin' out like this?!" "I gotta go August! he's gonna kill me." she mumbled that last part but I still heard her. "Who's gonna kill you Chanel, calm down."She was breathing heavy. "Nobody Aug, just please, let me leave." "Can I atleast get your number?" "Fine, hurry and give me your phone." I gave her my phone and after she put her number in she gave it back. "Ok, here. Bye Aug, thank you for a good night." she ran out before I could say goodnight. Something is up with shawty, I'm gonna find out.

August & Chanel
Derek & Chanel

-What happen to Chanel when she got out the shower?
-Will Aug find out?
Chapter 3 coming soon!

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