Chapter 55

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"Close your eyes" he bickers with me. I cross my arms and glare at him. He keeps pouting as I just stand there, watching him make a fool out of himself. "Please" he keeps begging me. I smirk as I get an idea to mess with him. "Get on your knees and beg" I say, in the most serious tone I can put out right now. 

He rolls his eyes and gets down on his knees, begging again. I let out a laugh and close my eyes. He is honestly too fun to mess with.

After what feels like hours but is only a couple minutes, he finally tells me to open my eyes up.

I saw everyone standing there with suitcases, aswell as Antonio standing beside mine. "What am I looking at?" I question them all but mainly keep my gaze on Antonio. He seems to be the one planning a lot of these surprises lately.

"I wanted to take you on a trip, a vacation for everyone." He smiles at me. I look at him dumb founded. How the fuck am I supposed to survive a vacation with all of them.

"The rest who didn't come with us here, they will be meeting us at the resort" he adds. Ok now its worse, all the other psychos will be there, fuck me. "Aswell as Sasha, Santiago, Talia, Pedro, Haden, Amelio, Atila, Vlad and Leonard." He continues to speak, making me doubt it even more. Great, more people.

"You told me a while back that you wanted a normal vacation, so it will be as normal and regular as possible." He walks towards me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Other then the fact that everyone is gonna be there." Demetrio makes a snide comment, making everyone laugh a bit. 

The others finally left my bedroom, leaving Antonio and I alone.

"You didn't have to do this for me" I look into his dark brown eyes. "I wanted to" he plants a small kiss on my forehead. "When are we leaving?" I question him, curious. "Tonight, so get packing" he says making me almost freak out. "GET OUT, I need to get ready and you're a distraction." I start pushing him out of the bedroom. "Am I that hot?" he chuckles. I mumble a quiet no but he still hears me. "That isn't what you were screaming las-" I cut him off by slamming the door in front of his face. Idiot. 

I text the group chat the girls and I made, telling them to come to my room immediately.

Seconds later, the door bursts in with them three looking stupid.

"I'm so glad I'm not related to you guys" I roll my eyes and turn my back to them as I open my suitcases. "It sounded like an emergency" Vivian says as she gasps for air. Next time don't run like idiots. I swear sometimes they surprise me on how they are still alive, knowing all the stupid and weird shit they do. 

"I need help packing" I let them know and quickly cover my ears when I hear a horrendous screech. I turn around and see Cadenza with a huge smile on her face. I'm not even surprised that it was her.

She ran in my closet and quickly started going through my clothes. "Calm down" I say walking in behind her with the girls. "She never knows when to calm down" Aspen whispers in my ear. I haven't noticed.

She makes her way to my lingerie drawer and goes through it. "No wonder my brother likes you. Even I would fuck you if you wore this stuff." The words come out of her mouth as she holds one up for us to see. "Great to know" I roll my eyes and let her continue digging around.

"I'll go through the makeup" Aspen says. She practically knew what I used for my everyday makeup so I didn't bother stopping her. "I guess I get the hygiene products" Vivian groans and makes her way towards my bathroom. Weirdos.

"Get out while we are working" Cadenza practically throws me out of my closet and bedroom. Next time I won't fucking ask you guys to help. They're like puranas. 

When I enter the living room, I almost faint at the sight in front of me. "VLAD" I shout at the top of my lungs. "You- you we-were supposed to be p-packing" he stutters as he grabs the knives from Amelio.

"Were you teaching my baby brother how to throw knives!?" My tone was scary. Hell, I scared myself with my own voice. "If it makes you feel any better, Leonard was making sure no one died" he says jokingly but I don't laugh. At. All.

"Leonard get the maid to bathe Amelio while I talk to your brother." I ask of him and he does. Before he could walk past me, I stop him and let him know that I will be talking to him later too.

My attention focuses on Vlad again. "You're boyfriend just watched!" He yelled as he pointed at Antonio who was sitting on the sofa beside Demetrio. "B-boyfriend" I gulped at the word he said. "He isn't my boyfriend" I shook the idea out of my head, keeping my eyes off of Antonio.

"Suuure" Vlad smirked when he noticed my sudden embarrassment. I grabbed a knife off the counter and throwed it at him, sadly he ducked. "What the fuck" he said, surprised that I did it. Honestly I don't even know why I did it. He just angered me. I rolled my eyes at him and went out into the front yard.

I stood there in silence, taking in the breeze that would sweep in every couple minutes.

"That was rough" a voice behind me spoke. I recognized it as Pedro. "You were there?" I sighed as I rethought my actions. "I saw it through the CCTV footage" he explained to me, letting me know that he wasn't eavesdropping. "You got pretty angry" he spoke softly and calmly. 

I always liked how he talked to me. He never talked to me like he was scared of me, nor did he act like it. He was the one person in my life that never saw me as just their boss, or the leader of a Mafia. Pedro saw me as family, as did I for him. He had become one of the most trustful people in my life. I tell him things that I don't even tell Talia or Sasha.

He just understood me, in ways that I never understood. I had always been good at hiding my feelings and fears but somehow, he could read me so goddamn easily.

"I did" I replied with a sigh, knowing that what I did was too much. "You're allowed to be in love Alexandra" he made me turn to him as he held me at arms length. I looked into his bright hazel eyes and smiled. He never pitied me, only gave me advice that would hopefully guide me on the right path.

"I'm s-scared," I stuttered to get my words out "for once in my life, I'm scared Pedro." He took me in his arms and hugged me as I placed my head on his chest.

Pedro was the one person I could always turn to. He was like a brother to me and I valued his opinion more then my own. No one could ever take his place or even come close. He is one of a kind.

"You wouldn't be human if you weren't bombín" he spoke as he called me the nickname he used to call me when we were younger. (Pumpkin) "When did you decide that you loved Talia" I asked him as he finally pulled away. "Decided?" he scoffed at my word.

"You don't decide that you love someone, it just happens" he chuckled at his wise words. "Ok, when did you know that you loved Talia" I corrected my choice of words. He stood there though, thinking of what he was about to say.

A little Pedro moment for you guys. I just wanted you guys to understand their bond more. Vote and comment though, love you guys.

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