Chapter 6

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Have you ever been so bored that your mind just asks you the stupidest questions ever? Because mine does.

I usually like to be alone, but right now I want some company. I have literally been stuck in this house for 3 days without information on what's going on, I'm close to exploding in here.

Whatever, I'm out of this place. Time to see what type of cars they gave me.

Yesssss, a Ferrari 812 Superfast and a Lexus LC. These are the types of cars I'm talking about!

Safe or speed? Definitely speed.

I grab the keys for the Ferrari and get in the driver's seat. I press a button on the garage remote and it starts opening.

So they probably aren't gonna let me leave without someone tailing me but they for sure put a tracker in the car soooo, yeah.

I turn on the engine and step on the gas, making me drive down the very long driveway very fast.

Maybe I should go get some breakfast, I'm starving.

I drive by a few cute restaurants until I reach a very nice café.

I park my car and step out. A bunch of people were looking at me and whispering but I didn't care. I like style, suck it up people.

I walk in the café and head to the counter.

"Hello can I get a black coffee please?" I ask and the lady nods and starts making my coffee.

I like black coffee, don't hate me for it.

The lady finishes my coffee and I pay her and add a tip in the tip jar. "Thanks" I smile and find a seat.

Finally some peace and quiet.

"Look who we have here" a voice says. I swear to god if its Haden I'm gonna kill him.

I turn around and my eyes widen. "Antonio!?" I say genuinely surprised.

"Get me my usual" he says to his two guards and they walk away towards the counter. "May I sit?" He asks and I nod.

He sits down and I take a sip of my coffee, not knowing what to say or do.

"I told you we would meet again" he raises a brow. "I didn't expect it to be in a little café" I lean forward on the table as my elbows hold me up.

"I usually come here, its a nice place" he looks around the café as I keep my eyes on him. "Its a café, that's all" I chuckle. "They do have the best coffees though" he smirks. "I guess they're ok, nothing like back home." I reply.

"Home? Where is home exactly." He asks, becoming intrigued.

Think Alexandra, where did Dominico say that you were born? Hmmmm. Ah yes.

"Spain, Spain is home" I put up a fake smile.

"capo, il tuo caffè" one of his guards hands him his coffee. (Boss, your coffee)

I have absolutely no idea what that man just said.

I raise a brow and show a confused face as I look at Antonio. "You don't know Italian?" He asks. "No, I have only been here for a few months" I reply. "Maybe I will teach it, to you" he takes a sip of his coffee and so do I, finishing it.

"I should get going" I say and he nods. "Next time, I'll make sure to have your jacket in my car" I smirk and he cracks a smile at that.

I throw out the cup my coffee was in and head out the door. I get in my car and start the engine. I pull out of my parking spot and drive on to the road to no where in particular.


I pull up in front of Dominico's gang house after making sure I wasn't followed. I step out and head inside.

"Hey Uncle" I walk by him as he is about to speak.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge. "Where have you been?" He asks. "Doing the mission" I roll my eyes and grab the salad from the fridge.

"What were you doing exactly" he crosses his arms on his chest. "Having coffee with Mr. Toretto" I elaborate as I shove a fork full of salad in my mouth.

"You did what!?" He freaks out. "Hey! Watch your tone with me Dominico!" I warn him and he calms down a little.

"Miss Ortega, you need to take this mission seriously" he rubs his temples. "I am, now leave me be or I'll cut your damn tongue off" I spit at him and he immediately leaves.

"Miss Ortega, I need a word with you" Haden comes in all angry. "What is it, and make it quick" I roll my eyes.

"I will speak for as long as I want!" He yells at me and I slam my fork on the table as I stand up to face him.

"Pedro sent me here to guard you, which means I need a damn body to guard. So stop running off and doing whatever you want. Pedro would have my head if anything happened to you so quit being a child and let me guard you. I'm not babysitting you, I am nearly here to protect you. I can tell that you would prefer Pedro here but he isn't, but I was sent in his place by him personally. You need to start trusting me as Pedro does." He finishes and my mouth is wide open.

"First of all, I will trust you once I know who you are, I don't trust someone just because my family does. Second of all, you watch your damn tone with me or you wont have a tongue to speak at all. And third of all, you speak to no one about how you just acted towards me, understood!?" I say and he nods in agreement. "Good, now leave" I demand and he does.

I should get back to the house, this place is too boring.

I walk outside and get into my car and drive back to my fake home.


I park my car in the garage and head inside thru the attached door. "Why the hell is it so dark in here" I groan and turn on the lights.

"Hmmm, maybe I should make dinner" I smile and head into the kitchen.

Oooh Quesadillas!!!

I start making some but after a while I realize I made too much for just one person. To be honest, even two people couldn't eat the amount I just made.

I laugh at my idiocy and try to put some in a container but they were still too hot to touch so I burned myself.

"mierda, hijo de puta" I curse. (Shit, you mother fucker) just then I hear the doorbell ring.

Ughhhh go away Dominico or Haden, whichever you are.

I make my way to the front door and open it to be surprised at who I see.

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