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It had been an interesting day. The excited class of 1-A was on the bus. They were going to the Wild, Wild Pussycats for for additional training. Katsuki Bakugou sat in his seat with a scowl. No one bothered him as he held his phone until Mineta leaned over the seats and rather loudly asked.

"Who're you texting? Your girlfriend? What's she wearing?"

Katsuki did not take that well. He stood , not even using the seat to steady himself on the moving bus. the air was thick, no one uttered a word. The suspense was thick; no one had seen a truly angry Bakugou before.

"What's she wearing?" Katsuki asked, voice calm. Mineta was too busy cowering under the seat to answer. "Well, he's wearing whatever he wants. And no" Katsuki maneuvered over his seat and to Mineta's easily, causing the small pervert to screech in fear. "I'm not texting anyone, I'm playing a FUCKING GAME!"

Katsuki kicked under the seat until Mineta let out a pained noise. He returned to his seat and picked up his phone again. He showed it to those in the bus. Minecraft was on the screen and another player was in front of his view, throwing dirt at Katsuki's. The chat was open to the left.

"Fucking idiots"He muttered loudly as he sat down and resumed the game, smirk quickly stretching across his lips as he read the messages that'd been sent.

Aizawa, who had watched the whole thing go down, rolled his eyes. Uraraka frowned, yet didn't speak. Mina and a few others had matching grins. Izuku mumbled a soft, 'Kaachan?'

The talking of others slowly resumed and a few minutes later, they were pulling into the lot. Aizawa gave directions with Iida echoing annoyingly. Katsuki put his phone away, sighing.


That was before they knew they were walking right into a trap. Villain's surrounded them, few of them very recognisable from the USJ incident. Katsuki and Kirishima had fought side by side and taken out the smaller, useless ones earlier. Now the students were grouped together and many cowering at the stronger villains around them and a few injured, like deku, who broke his hand on a useless minion. With the sky quickly darkening, it was becoming dangerous.

"I guess we should've brought lanterns" the hand-covered leader spoke, "Dabi, you're now in charge of lighting" The scar-ridden man grumbled, but lit the trees around them. A few students squeaked, the group closing together. The frozen atmosphere was broken by Katsuki Bakugou stepping away from the tightly packed group and towards the obvious leader of the villains around them.

"To- Tomura?" He called, voice so nervous that his classmates were forced to gasp. The fellow Yuuei students could only watch as the two communicated silently through their eyes.

"Quest complete" Katsuki froze; those words were so familiar, so normal yet inky one person he knew would use then in real life. The villain jumped towards the Yuuei student. Bystanders shouted for the blonde to move. They watched in horror as the hand-covered villain reached out with all five fingers extended.

Someone screamed, birds that hadn't already left flew into the air. All went still. Everyone was frozen in shock.

"'Tsuki" The rough voice of the villain echoed, those that'd closed their eyes in fear opened them, only to be shocked.

The villain was holding Katsuki close. So close that a few thought that maybe the blonde was being used as a shield. That was, until the blond let out a choked sob. Midoriya mumbled something about never seeing the boy do that, but no one paid any attention.

"Where- Where've you been, you sick fuck?" The ash blonde cried gripping the material of the villain's costume

"Completing quests, 've been busy. Let's go home now"

"HOME?!" Various students cried out.

"Bakugou! I demand you get away from that villain, he is very dangerous!" Katsuki, deep, deep down inside, wanted Shigaraki to decay Iida's mouth off. Apparently the villain had come to a similar conclusion and it took Katsuki's full strength to stop the elder from moving to silence the class rep forever.

"Bakubro...?" He ignored them in favor of holding his brother.

"Are you coming home, dearest brother of mine?"

"BROTHER?!" Katsuki rubbed his head, a headache was forming.

"Guess you blew it, idiot" he muttered, "Don't have a fuckin' choice now do I?"

"Ah well, you won't be needing this then" Five fingers touched his head and several students screamed in horror as his hair was disintegrated. Lucky for him, he wore a wig. Shorter platinum hair was left behind.


"See you later Shitty-Hair. Let's go hand-kink" He grinned, letting his brother throw him over his shoulder with careful fingers. For dramatics, he gave a peace sign as he was pulled through the warp gate.


The Yuuei students were beyond shocked. Some were even crying. The remaining villains were preparing to fight. Aizawa finally caught up to them and readied himself, goggles in place. The villains charged from all angles. Aizawa protected his students, engaging with the strongest ones. From USJ, the students knew their teacher could only handle so much so those able to jumped forward to help. Aizawa was bloody and hurt from fighting to get to his students and it was notably hard for him to fight. Those that fought with him were careful of the growing fire from Dabi, who'd left with Shigaraki and Katsuki.

"Where's Bakugou?" Aizawa called. He was met with tears and sniffles before Iida stepped forward.


"He left with his brother" when Iida gave a sharp stare, Kirishima shrugged, "That's what happened"

"His brother?"

This time, Midoriya answered, voice unnaturally clear for once, "Tomura Shigaraki"

Their teacher let out a loud breath and they felt bad. He was obviously overwhelmed.


Katsuki was having the time of his life. Sure, he'd wanted to be a hero, but he knew firsthand how fake they were. A few were fine in his twisted book, Aizawa, Best Jeanist, Thirteen, Hawks, and Mic. He wasn't sure about the top heroes. All Might and Endeavor were definitely on his fake heroes list. He had been given two options; become a hero and fix it from the inside, or become what society called a villain with his brother and take down the fakes. Tomura had told him many times that he had the same mindset as Stain.

"Now what, crusty ass?" he could hear the scarred guy ask his brother. "Kid's a hero in training, He's not gonna join so easily"

"First of all, scar-face," Katsuki sneered from on top of the counter. "I've been a member since this shitty league formed. And second, Hand-kink isn't crusty, He's just shitty at self care"

The guy burst out laughing, holding his stomach, "Hand-kink! Fucking hand-kink!"

Katsuki liked this guy, he decided. He pulled out a chapstick and tossed it to his brother who caught it with an eye roll.

"Anyways," he grinned, swinging his legs, "I'm home"


Word Count: 1156

☾My two fav characters, shigaraki and katsuki☾

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