seeing him work

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🦋y/n's POV🦋

i was out in the city late at night, leaving work after i had just finished writing my article. it had been no less than a week after i interviewed the big three, and yet what felt like weeks were instead days of hark work because of so much i had done. but now i was free at last; the weekend was already here!

as i made my way around the tall buildings of the city, looking up at the colorful lights and billboards as i enjoyed the refreshing breeze of the cold night brushing against my neck, a few civilians as well as i noticed a commotion happening just a few blocks away from where i was. i hurried my pace until i was among a bunch of people huddling and circling around a group of heroes fighting against a few villains. there weren't many spectacles like these around this part of the city anymore, and witnessing a hero fighting up close was even rarer.

i was excited since i had never actually seen heroes on duty this near before. just as i made my way through the crowd on the front lines, making my way through them, i couldn't believe who was among the other pros.

it was team fatgum, finishing off their work by knocking down the villains into quitting. and among them was tamaki. he finished everything off by using his radiant quirk, binding the villains with his tentacles until the police came. people started cheering on for the three of them, and when their praise reached amajiki, he started shaking anxiously. i giggled, amused by his nervous behavior when he pulled his hood down to hide his face from the pedestrians.

"nice job, suneater!"

"you're so cool, man!"

"suneater, you're my favorite pro hero!"

"he's so adorable in his costume! though i wonder what he looks like in his casual clothes..."

so i, too, decided to join in on the hype.

"suneateeeer!" i called, "over here!"

in the distance, i saw tamaki had flinched and turned around when he heard my voice. and when he saw me waving at him among the crowd, his eyes widened as if he hadn't seen me in over a year. we were always instructed to keep a distance whenever the pros were working, so at first i didn't get closer on my own. though after team fatgum was finished, his comrades noticed us looking at each other and called me over afterwards.

"m-ms.(l/n)!" he stuttered, "i-i mean... (y/n). w-what are you doing here so late in the night?"

i smiled awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck.

"i, uh... actually left work now. i was heading off to my apartment when i saw you fighting, tamaki. what a coincidence, huh?"

i glanced at both fatgum and red riot, who stood behind tamaki, and i couldn't help but admire them.

"what you did back there was so cool, you three! i haven't seen anyone fight like you do!" i squealed, "i've always been a big fan of team fatgum. i can't believe i'm meeting you. it feels like a dream~"

fatgum laughed and cackled, and i couldn't help but look away, bashful at my intense remarks.

"and who might you be, pretty lady?" fatgum asked, "do you know tamaki here?"

"hey, suneater!" red riot grinned, "aren't you gonna introduce us to your girlfriend?"

"n-no! s-she isn't my girlfriend!" amajiki panicked, "s-she's... a friend."

after tamaki had shouted out of nowhere, the three of us stayed silent and stared at him. and because of our glares, he turned around to avoid meeting our eyes like he usually would do to avoid any stares.

🦋butterflies in my stomach🦋 | tamaki amajiki x fem! readerWhere stories live. Discover now