idk what to name this chapter.. it's a good one though..

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ngfl I think this is my best chapter yett.

Amirgaal and Madara clashed, almost forming a tornado. "The's.. its splitting!" Mito and Minato, who at the other side of the battlefield, noticed as their mouths hung wide open.

"It's amazing.." the Hokage' admitted with a grin. "And there's only one person on our side who can do that!".

Naruto punched the Susano'o, chakra in his fist a he managed to make a dent in the armour. "Good Ol' Taijutsu!" Madara admitted, "to be honest it's my favourite type of combat.", Madara re filled the dent as Naruto growled. "But so far.. Susano'o: 1, Amirgaal: 0.".

Madara kicked Naruto sending his hurling back and into the dirt, as he plucked Amirgaal's wing, and he stood in a stance similar to one he would with the Uchigatana. He jumped forward, dodging and weaving, waiting for the time to strike.. and there it was.. as plain as day light. Naruto readied himself. Gripping the wing as he slashed the Susano'o arm.. but something unexpected happened.. Madara poofed into smoke as he appeared behind Naruto, kicking him into the dirt. "WOOD STYLE FUTSU NO SEN NO TE!!" A Buddha statue rose from the earth and behind it was the arms of a monster.. "HAJIME!" The beasts hands lunged forward slamming into Naruto.. one thousand times.

argh! This is.. this is worse than the legendary one thousand years of death technique!”, Naruto thought as he was pulverised by Madara.. the dust cleared as it revealed Naruto, broken.. and beaten, almost as if his limbes were to fall off. "I'm.. IM NEVER GIVING UP!" He declared. Raising his fist as he mixed the five elements together.. nothing happened.. “damn... I was hoping for something cool, but I guess not.”.

Madaras eyes widened.. as he started at behind Naruto.. Amirgaal stood.. he had desynchronized with Naruto and had instead synchronised with Satchura. "An.. an ultimate.. battle." Madaras shock quickly turned to envy, he wanted that power to save the world.

Naruto stared at what he had just created, "well.. if all else fails I can atleast win the lottery with this luck of mine..". Naruto smiled softly at Amirgaal.. “Our wills have become one.. Ohma.”, Naruto readied himself again as he and (S..Satchu..Satchugaal?) Ran at Madara and his Susano'o, and in perfect synchronisation they jumped. The two slashed their rivals and yelled. "SURPRISED! BITCH!", A small amount of blood leaked from Naruto's mouth as he cut Madaras leg, but the Uchiha managed to dodged narrowly and kick Naruto in the side. But Naruto predicted this, as he also dodged. "And next you'll say.. 'how did you dodge!?'!".

"How did you dodge—!?" Madaras eyes widened from realisation. “Amazing.. this brat managed to make me nervous, making it easy from me to be read! He's a tactical genius!”. Madara disregarded this facts as he pushed forward. forcing Naruto back as he decided it would be best to see how Obito was doing. "I'll finish you off fast." Madara explained, forgetting about Satchugaal, who managed to break though his Susano'o and into his reanimated skin. Madaras shielded himself as he managed to jump away, quickly retreating.


Minato, Mito, Kakashi and Gai were fighting the false Madara as Minato flung Mito towards him as she made a rasengan. He faded through it, realising Minato had disappeared. His head shot up as he saw Minato, a massive rasengan in hand and slammed against the false Madaras mask.

Minato froze, seeing the scarred face of his former student.. "O.. Obito?" He asked, no answer came from his student as the group watched in awe.

"Obito?" Mito asked, "it.. sounds familiar.".

"Obito Uchiha. The.. the former student of the fourt Hokage', the team mate of Kakashi.. and.. the allegedly deceased." Gai explained as Obito stared at him with a condecending look on his face.

"Gai.." he scowled, "Sensei.. to think you'd make the same mistake two time in a row." Obito mocked his teacher.

"Mistake?" Minato asked.

"You neglected us, me and Rin, putting us in the care of that no good Kakashi! You even made the mistake a second time.. you killed Rin. You killed the old me.  And you destroyed your son!" Obito voice ran inside the Kages head.. he sounded nothing like he used to.. his voice was worn.. deep, it was obvious he had matured. But.. in the wrong way.

Minato frowned as he listened to Obito rip into him, tears brimming his eyes.. but suddenly.. boom. a large noise was heard as Madara appeared, and he.. had just killed Maito Gai. Minatos brain moved fast.. the only word that he could think of was.. 'Naruto'.. “If Madaras here then Naruto must be—!” he was cut off, hearing panting right beside him.


"You!" Mito grumbled, "why are you here!?".

"Well I have a misses, and let me tell you.. shed kill me if I let someone like royalty die.. regardless of how much she hates you." Naruto chuckled at the last part. But this word stuck in Mito's head.

“Marriage?”, then.. it hit her.

Mito woke up, as she helped Menma to his feet. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast since dad isnt-." Her eyebrow quirked as she smelt bacon and eggs down stairs. "who could possibly be.. unless!" she smiled, hoping that it was Kushina, back to her senses. to her dismay it was her father. "Dad..? What are you doing here? I thought you were in the cloud!".

"Oh, me? Well the meeting ended and I came home early, also. I have something to announce later today, it's incredibly serious, And I think you should get married.".

"What!? Where did that come from?" She asked dumb founded.

"From my mouth, duh!" Minato laughed.

he was comparing me to.. Naruto?”.

Ngfl I think this is my best chapter yett

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