The time is near

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*2 years later*

*You and Peter is on a date*

*You guys get home and the girls would be sleep*

Erika: Hope you had fun on your date and I am gone.

Y/N: Thanks Erika.

Erika: No prob!

*Erika leaves and you would see the girls sleeping*

*You close their room door*

Y/N: That dream I had about Skyler..It's coming back.

Peter: Ok wouldn't Wanda know something about it?

Y/N: I guess.

*You and Peter would lay down on the couch and watch some crime shows*

*Hours has passed*

*You and Peter fall asleep on the couch*

*Next day*

*You get dressed*

*You get dressed*

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[Your outfit]

[Your outfit]

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[Your hair]

*You and Peter give the girls a kiss and you guys would leave*

*Erika would go watch them*

Peter: I miss when we had sex.

Y/N: We can still have sex..But-

*A portal would open from the sky and lightning would strike everywhere*

*Peter would stop the car and you guys get out the car*

*You change into your superhero suit*

[Your suit (I couldn't find anything better)]

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[Your suit (I couldn't find anything better)]

*Peter changes into the iron spider suit*

*People would be running*

*You put a force field over you and peter*

*The lightning would stop and a man would come down from the portal and lands infront of you and Peter*

Thaw'Sa'Ra: Your daughter..Sarah-Rosie where is she?

Y/N: Our daughters isn't named any of that so you better leave.

Thaw'Sa'Ra: Yes she is the one you dreamed about.

Peter: Skyler.. *he whispered*

*Thaw'Sa'Ra would drop the force field with just a head tilt*

Thaw'Sa'Ra: Skyler Natasha Parker is the daughter I'm looking for.

Y/N: I'm sorry but she isn't your daughter.

*You hold fire in your hands*

Thaw'Sa'Ra: If you want to fight then you just picked the wrong opponent.

*Peter would rush at him and he gets flung back*

Thaw'Sa'Ra: Want to fight aswell darling?

*You throw fire at his head and then vanishes*

Thaw'Sa'Ra: I will find YOU!!!

*You find Peter on the ground*

*You take off his mask and you would see him bleed from the nose*

Peter: Why does he want our daughter?

Y/N: Don't know.

Thaw'Sa'Ra: Find you!

*He would clap and you guys get flung back*

*You would have trouble to get up but Peter helps you up*

*Thaw'Sa'Ra would throw wooden splinters at your head but you dodge*

Y/N: I cant let you have my daughter.

Thaw'Sa'Ra: I will simply take her from you!

*Wanda lands infront of you and flings Thaw'Sa'Ra back*

Wanda: Remember what I said.

Y/N: with Runes..

*You float in the air and you started throwing fire at Thaw'Sa'Ra*

*Peter and Wanda would attack from the ground*

Y/N RogersWhere stories live. Discover now