The Demon

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I stood at the edge of the town and glanced eagerly at my shadow. As I watched, it wavered, and the Fox emerged from it seamlessly. It stood by my side for a moment and then said, "What do you intend to do?"

I smiled. "Make my grand debut."

After the Fox took my blood, my body changed. I had grown until I was eight feet tall. My hair went pitch black, while my skin became pale white and perfectly unblemished. My teeth became long, razor-edged fangs, and a forked tongue rested in my mouth. My nails turned into shiny, black claws. The whites of my eyes were stained black, and the irises held the same hellish orange flames as the Fox. I was stronger and faster, even without using any magic. Power hummed inside of me, begging to be released into whatever form of destruction I chose.

The alterations also continued to my mind. My surroundings seemed clearer and more vibrant. My senses and reflexes were enhanced. I was able to process things at a tremendous speed, and I knew spells that I could never have comprehended as a human.

"You are able to suppress these changes, if you would like to," the Fox told me. "Considering disguise is one of my skills, you may choose to appear human at any time." I had tried it, taking away certain changes, and then putting them back.

I had told him, "I believe for my first act, I'll keep my new attributes."

Now, I began walking into the town, once again leaving behind an old life, with my new appearance completely visible. I was going to test my abilities on this innocent, oblivious community. This was where I introduced myself to the world as a demon.

The Fox padded alongside me silently, and we approached the outer limits of the town. There were makeshift shacks and dilapidated houses with dirty beggars huddled outside them, hands outstretched, asking for food. Children dressed in rags ran around barefooted, chasing each other and playing in the dirt. I sneered, disgusted by the slums, and all of the rats living in it. They choose to live like this. Reducing themselves to trash on the side of the road.

I walked in the center of the road, towering over everyone. One by one, the heads started to turn, staring at the evil now in front of them. As if by instinct, even the youngest of children stopped playing and cowered as I passed. Doors were shut, children were hushed, and screams were stifled. I finally stopped at the end of the sea of vermin and turned slowly. They were all staring at me with looks of terror frozen on their faces. They reminded me of the eternally screaming corpses I had left behind. That already felt like a different life, and in a way, it was.

A child broke away from the crowd and stood in front of me. He was small, with dark brown hair and grime covering face. His eyes were two different colors; one was brown, and the other was red. A Cursed Child: children born with a single red eye, said to be the spawn of demons, destined to bring misery to the earth. Sometimes, they were even killed at birth. I found it an amusing coincidence. This child probably suffered from much of the same accusations and alienation that I had, but for much more unfounded reasons. Perhaps he would even be blamed for what would happen here. Not that there would be anyone left to place blame.

The child asked, "What do you want from us?" He couldn't have been more than six or seven, but he spoke strongly. I stared at him, then knelt. He tensed and took a step backwards. My lips pulled back in a wicked grin, revealing my fangs, and he shuddered visibly. The entire area was thick with apprehension, yet no one came forward for the tiny soul confronting the monster.

Breaking the silence, I whispered, "I want your pain." Without looking back, I said to the Fox, "Now."

Immediately, it broke away and ran with an unsettling swiftness to the nearest house, disappearing inside. The sudden movement finally stirred the crowd awake. Angry shouts arose, and the stronger ones among them started making their way to me, armed with crude weapons. My hand shot out and grabbed the boy by the back of his neck. He squeaked with fear, and I suppressed crazed laughter. I turned him so that he was facing the mob and lifted him into the air. He kicked and squirmed in a useless attempt to escape.

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