chapter 11 end of humanization arc

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It's been about a week since the capture of Alex Bermen. He hasn't been very helpful yet. But the Bsaa thinks that they can change that soon. However, Y/n now has to go see something he hasn't seen in a long time. His family.

Alina lead him to the front door.

Alina: I told them about..."you're looks". But...I think it will still shock them. So please don't be surprised.

Y/n nodded.

Y/n in head: My family? I don't even remember them. I don't even know their names. Well, I guess there's no avoiding this now.

Alina knocked on the door.

A woman opened the door.

Alina: Hi momma!

M/n looked at Alina, then at Y/n.

M/n: Mikael. Is it really you?

Y/n looked at his own mother with a unsure expression.

M/n almost couldn't hold back tears.

M/n: It is you. Even though you don't look anything like you used to. You're eyes tell me everything. Don't stand out in the two, both of you come in.

Y/n and Alina walked into the house.

M/n: I thought I lost you both forever. It was hard enough with Mikael gone. But for Alina to be gone too, I don't know how much more I could take. But when Alina called me and I heard her voice. I felt relief. But when she said you were alive Mikael, I couldn't believe it. Then she told me what they turned you into. But you're still my child, no matter what they made you into.

Alina: At least our family is finally rebuilt.

M/n: Why don't you tell Mikael about what you and Timur have been doing recently.

Alina: Oh! I've been working in humanitarian work. And that works pretty well with what Timur has been doing since he's a UN peacekeeper. We've worked together on multiple occasions.

M/n: Timur isn't here right now. But he'll be here later.

Alina had a realization.

Alina: You...don't remember him do you? Sorry. He's our brother. He has grown really distant. When you were taken. We didn't know what to do and nobody would help us. And without father to comfort mother, things got grim.

M/n: Yes. But it's okay now. We're back together. A family once more.

Y/n looked at his mother.

M/n: You still eat, right?

Y/n nodded.

M/n: Oh good. I was working on dinner before you arrived. It would be a shame if food would have went to waste.

M/n ran off into the kitchen.

M/n put some plates together and sat them on the table. The trio sat down and began to eat.

Not long after the door opened.

Timur: I'm home!

M/n: Timur! Come on! The food is going to get cold!

Timur walked into the dining room and looked at Y/n. He stayed silent as he sat down.

M/n: So, how was work?

Timur: Boring. Apparently they want to ship me out soon.

M/n: Where?

Timur: Somewhere in Africa I think. Some sort of virus.

M/n: That's not good.

Timur: No. The Chinese didn't let the UN forces help with their problem. But smaller countries are backed against the wall.

M/n: Enough of that. This is the first time we could eat as a family again. Let's enjoy it.

They ate the food. Afterwards Y/n went outside and sat on the porch. He didn't know what to do. This was foreign to him. He still can't remember his life before becoming Nemesis.

He heard the door open and he looked to see M/n sit down next to him with a book in hand.

M/n: I figured you'd be curious to see more of you.

M/n opened up the book and showed him a few pictures of his childhood. Then pictures months before the kidnapping. Y/n noticed one had a girl in it with blonde hair and hazel eyes.

M/n: I suppose you don't remember Callie. *takes a deep breath* It may be a good thing. Callie was your girlfriend. You two were so close and loving. You two spent almost every moment together. But when you went missing. *pauses* The poor girl couldn't handle it. Months went by and we all thought you were dead. So she...*starts to tear up* she...she hung herself. She wanted to be with you again. You two talked about the future so much. Marriage, kids, everything.

Y/n looked at the picture. It pained him that he had no memory.

M/n pulled out the picture of him and Callie.

M/n: Here. She'd want you to have this picture. She would always want to be with you. We can go visit her grave if you want.

Y/n nodded and took the picture. He followed her to the graveyard. She lead him to Callie's grave. He felt sorrow just by looking at it. He knew who she was but couldn't remember anything. He couldn't understand his own mind and feelings now.

He looked at his own hands. For once, he had a hatred for his own figure. His own body was almost repulsive to him. He felt angry and confused.

The visit was over. It was time for Y/n to go back to the Bsaa.

He put the picture in a nice little spot.

He looked at himself in the mirror. He could only look for a few moments before turning away. He was confused on his own emotions. He had his whole world crash down on him. And he didn't know how to handle it.

Jill Valentine x Male Nemesis readerWhere stories live. Discover now