03 | lamps and paper

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lamps and paper

Who would have thought a rainy day could be so gifting ? He didn't for sure. He didn't even know why he liked the rain so much and for one thing - he didn't know why he thought this day was gifted.

Junkyu didn't have gifted days in his life. Just normal ones. The normal days where he would slip into his blue slicker, black galoshes and rush off to high school - with his backpack clutched tightly to his chest - head bent low against the rain. Then he would squish down the graveled path into the brick red school buildings and then ...well...things would happen. Just like normal things often did. Like rain.

It simply happened.

It always rained in this town. Perhaps that's why he liked it so much - because he hadn't seen anything better. He didn't have anything to compare it to. 

But today had been different. In a lot of ways. And that was saying something for sure. Junkyu didn't have different days. He just had normal ones.

He hadn't been able to tie his shoes for one thing. He knew how to tie them of course ! He just hadn't been able to. Why people may ask. Why because he was scared of course ! He had been hiding from people back there at the airport. His nerves had been on overdrive and he hadn't been in his right mind.

But he had had enough. He intended to cross the length of the airport, lose them somewhere in between and run back home and then do some art. Art helped keep him calm and he did it all the time. But he had just been trying to tie his shoes at the airport - he wasn't doing art there.

If running was art, then maybe he was.

He had looked up to catch someone's eyes - in desperate need for some quick help and had stumbled upon the guy.

His first instinct hadn't been to smile though. It had been to immediately look away - like he so often did at school when people caught him staring. He didn't stare. He just looked but they didn't like his eyes upon them. So he kept his distance. Today - so different as it had started out to be - became yet more strange. Junkyu's lips puckered up into a nervous smile and faltered a little.

The guy didn't return it. But he didn't turn away either. He just looked. No disgust or spite on his face. And he looked right back - cautiously standing up and making his way toward him.

He hadn't meant to talk either. He had meant to say 'sorry I didn't mean to look at you. I wasn't staring. I can do your homework for you even though I haven't seen you around before. But please don't tell on me or call me a creep because I ain't one I promise. Please don't hit me okay ? My bruises are still there and I don't want to be hit. It hurts you know ? It hurts a lot. And I don't know what it feels like to not hurt but it wouldn't be bad for a change you know? So please don't hit me. I am sorry that I looked at you. I am sorry'

But what came out had been a completely normal sentence. A request to have his shoes tied for him.

His first attempt had failed.

His second attempt seemed to work - which he thought was an anomaly.

The guy immediately got down on one knee with a disgusted look on his face which made Junkyu take a few hurried steps back. Was he going to be hit in the stomach? Or his legs? Or his...you know...crotch ? Would he? Would he be h-

"I don't know your name dude but come a little closer. My hands aren't bamboos you know?", the guy said quite subtly. He had obeyed. What had followed was quite simple - to him atleast.

He had felt his insides churn, twist and erupt in something warm and erotic as the guy's fingers brushed against his ankle. But he had stood his ground, had let him tie the laces - had tried to talk but had failed and had turned to walk away.

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