08 | lights and oblivion

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lights and oblivion

"Forca BARCA !!", someone yelled out of the blue.

And the next thing he knew, an immensely heavy mass of something rolled up over him and landed on his face, shifting and groaning sleepily upon him as if he was an inanimate pillow. It would have been passable on other days - perhaps just a really suffocating dream or he himself throttling himself to consciousness, which he often did - even though he wasn't really aware of it most of the time.

Some mornings, he would wonder how it would feel when he would take his very last breath - so heavily laden with oxygen tanks and IVs and pipes injecting fluids into his body because he couldn't eat anymore - and he would try stopping his breath to feel the same and would then wake up, hiccuping and coughing and sweating profusely. He -

"FORCA BARCA FORCA BARCA FORCA BARCA !", the heavy something thrashed wildly upon him again, jerking him out of his early morning fantasies - or maybe daymares, who knew. Did thinking of dying so often count as a fantasy ? Maybe if you had nothing to live for, it did. And maybe if you-

Haruto's eyes snapped wide open with another wild jerk of the person pressing down upon him and he looked up to a mass of really fluffy black currant-like hair, catching a whiff of strawberry scented shampoo and cotton candy flavoured breath.


They were...


(it sounded just so weird)

(it couldn't be true)

(but it was and with an almighty lurch of the stomach, he realized it wasn't exactly a dream)

...sleeping together.

Heart thudding loudly and painfully against his throat and legs growing increasingly jelly-like under him as the previous night's less than innocent memories came flooding back, Haruto slowly raised a tensed, quivering hand and brushed away the untidy fringes and strands of hair from Junkyu's face. The boy had apparently curled himself into a small cuddly ball in Haruto's arms overnight and was now sleeping peacefully - or rather, was having a really loud and happy dream.

His lips rose and fell delicately, a pinkish hue upon his fresh morning face as he snuggled deeper into the older's chest, apparently unaware of the way he was strangling Haruto under him. It was okay though - he kind of liked the warmth. Trying not to move too much or cause a disturbance, Haruto stroked the younger's cheek softly, with careful yet nervous fingers before planting a sweet little peck on Junkyu's forehead. The boy giggled in his sleep and hid his face in the crook of Haruto's neck, where he had hidden for most part of the night anyways.

He was about to gently lay the boy beside him and get up when he heard the thundering footsteps of his mother coming up the stairs - his hands tensed on Junkyu's face, breath catching midway in his chest as he heard her forceful, slightly angry footfalls.

She hated noise early in the morning.

And Junkyu hadn't really been soft spoken and hushed when he had yelled a few minutes ago either.

Gulping and bracing himself for her loud impatient knocks on his door, he grew rigid in place - which was saying something due to the younger's whole body lain upon him like a harness, who refused to budge, no matter how hard he tried to move him.

"Haruto ! What are you doing yelling in the morning like that ? I just fell off the bed !", and sure enough, his mother's voice issued from the other side, followed by a couple of noisy, loud knocks.

Fearing that it might wake Junkyu up, he tried getting up and immediately answering her when Haruto was pushed back down on his bed by an arm tightly wound around his neck, followed by a little sleepy groan. A pair of legs swung around him, wrapping him completely in an unconscious embrace, making it impossible for him to move and tightening, the more he tried to wriggle free.

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