They're Real...? (Pt. 1)

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(This story has been in my head for awhile, so I decided to write it. No, this is VERY not cannon - I just really wanted to write this really badly even if it's crappy and I have no idea where I'm going with it. So yeah. Here is my crappy story that I don't even know if I'll finish)

C.C let out a sigh. "5:58 am" he whispered, his voice sounding raspy enough to pass for sandpaper grinding on wood - a side effect of tears upon tears and pathetic sobbing from experiencing so many near death encounters, just including tonight.

"Hopefully nothing will pop out in the next two minutes...".

Just as that was said, something cold and sharp sliced across his face.

He froze for a moment, not realizing what just happened. A warm and sticky substance started trickling down his face, and moments later, tears started pouring down too. One of his hands slowly raised to where the blades had sliced through, but stopped midway through.

He looked up.

Staring him down were tiny, glowing, red pinpricks.

A gold paw with three huge knife-size claws, dripping dark red also came into view, reaching towards him.

He snapped out of the trance he was in, quickly scrambling backwards, falling several times in the process. At the same time, the nightmarish golden bear, which he nicknamed 'Nightmare Fredbear', walked forward while matching his pace.

He stifled back a scream.

C.C flipped over onto his stomach, and quickly crawled as fast as he could away from the monster. As he tried to blindly navigate to a door out of the room, since he didn't have his flashlight, he slammed face first into a wall.
Having to recover for even just a moment let Fredbear catch up to him, and as C.C started to bolt away, one of its claws ripped through the back of his shirt and tore through his skin.

Not a moment later, another claw clamped onto his leg and started dragging him out of the room.

C.C was around halfway out of his bedroom when he started to slip into unconsciousness.

Fredbear stopped and let go of him.

In the background, a familiar chiming noise sounded out.

Then, everything turned black.

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