...? (Pt. 1)

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(The Fazbear Frights story that this is written about does NOT get enough recognition. I couldn't find a single thing about the story on Wattpad, I could only find a few decent fanfics on Archive of Our Own, there's barely anything for it on YouTube, and the only place where I could find a ok amount of crap about it other than Twitter, Pinterest, etc, was Tumblr.)

(So guess what!? Instead of being a little whiny baby about it, I decided to write a fanfic of my own. When I'm still working on that other story. Yay.)

(Btw, try to guess what Fazbear Frights story this is based on)

He could hear muffled noises in the background, sounding miles away. Is that talking? He couldn't tell.

He tried to open his eyes.


Seems like his body isn't in the mood to function properly.

He tried to move his limbs. Also nope.

The distant noises suddenly started to hurt his ears.

It wasn't getting any louder though.

He became more aware.

In a desperate attempt to make the noise stop, he tried to yell, but all that came out was a barely audible groan.

Surprisingly, this got the noise to stop.

He was left in a peaceful, yet uncomfortable silence for a few seconds.

Then, he heard footsteps- at least he thought they're footsteps.

There was silence, but this time it is not peaceful at all- it is

Someone or something poked him in the side unexpectedly.

His body couldn't handle physical contact, even a small poke had sent a wave of pain throughout his body, making him let out a whimper.

He then heard running- a scrambled, panicked running.

Someone ran out of a door.

There is no one next to him now.

Then, he heard something take a hesitant step closer to him.

He waited for them to step closer again, but it never happened.

He felt like a void had consumed him.

He heard nothing.

The door burst open, and what sounded like several people rushed in.

He felt a presence next to him once more.

Something was inserted into his arm.

He blacked out.


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