Red {3}

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It was eleven thirty when the vampires arrived. Leia's eyes roamed around for Catus but she didn't see him. When he didn't want to be found, he wasn't. He was stealthy as a cat and after dating him for months she could still never tell where he was if he was hiding. She thought it was just her being naive but it didn't seem so. Katy was looking around too but she didn't seem to have much luck either. 

Then she felt hands clamp around her waist. 'Boo,' Catus mumbled into her hair, knowing that any contact with him whatsoever made her freaked. Months of dating him all went to waste the minute their skin touched. Having led a sheltered, shy life, his simple touch electrified her. He oozed danger but he also held a real love for her - not that it made him any less exciting.
"You scared me," she mumbled.
"I know," he smirked, watching her blush. He knew this made her blush even more, which was actually cute.
Catus was used to having a big effect on the opposite sex, with his hazel eyes, tanned skin and dark hair, so her blushes never bothered him. In fact he found them amusing.
"Stop teasing me," she whined. Catus shook his head. He could wind her up a bit, but she teased him all the time. Every time he looked at her he wanted her, and her shyness prevented that. But, he was willing to wait until she was ready. Unusually. Normally he'd have dumped her or forced her by now.

"How are you?" he asked. He was dressed in a boring, simple grey suit and he had back-combed his normally messy hair. The affect was astounding. He looked almost normal. Leia looked at him curiously.

"I wanted to blend in," he explained, noticing her confused look, "you know, I'm not meant to be here."

"Then why are you?" asked Leia seriously. She was too shy to bring attention to herself by breaking rules.

"Because I wanted to see you," he replied sweetly, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "Now stop being shy and come and dance with me."

"I hate dancing," she pouted.

"And?" was his amused reply.

"Ugh Catus," she whined. "What's the point? You don't even like dancing either."

"No, but I do like seeing you blush. And I also like annoying the hell out of other guys."

"What do you mean?"

Catus grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her round. A group of about thirty guys were crowded around her, smoothing their hair and sticking out their chests. He grabbed her, pulling her close.

"They want you too," he whispered. "But you're mine."

And Leia had never been so glad to be his.

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