chapter 4: The Snake (Rewrite)

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"Who are you?" Erza panting in exhaustion

"Now... Now, I've come here in peace" Gin make a peace sign with his hand. "The name Gin... Gin Ichimaru, a pleassure to make your equatinece~"

"Are you reponsible for this?" Erza asked.

"Could you, be a bit more specific,"
Gin said with amused face.

"Don't play dump, that monster and the Vulcan did you do it..!?" Erza asked.

"Oh that! Well, yes~" Gin reply with an amused tone. "You see, I came looking for shelter but I was greeted by an old man, the old man said that their village was attack by a horde of Vulcan, and to fate, I was there to help them out,"

"So it was you, that take on this job?" Erza asked.

"What job?" Gin asked.

"The one thag the old man, ask you to do," Erza said.

"Oh... That, I was being generous though, but whatever, you guys can have the money for now," Gin said.

"But you were the one, who defeat all of the Vulcan," Levy said.

"Yeah, about that ya see, I'm kinda lost here, so you can just repay me by guiding me out of the forest," Gin decide to make a good impression on them, as he have already thought, about a sinister plan. "I can just steal the money later, for now, I must find a way out of here,"

"Hold on, the old man said, that you do not belong under any guild, is that true?" Erza asked.

"Yes, that is true," Gin reply.

Erza quickly take out a sword out of her portal, the said sword then is pointed sword directly at Gin throat, the sudden change of course. Ended up making Levy panic, Gin on the other hand, didn't see this as much of a threat. After all, he does experience this sort of dilema, back when he was a former Soul Reaper.

"How did you defeat that masked monster? Those things, are probaly in the A-rank category," Erza asked.

"Sorry to bust yer question, but for now, I'm not telling ya shit without any repayment," Gin said.

"Erza, what are you doing?" Levy asked in panic.

"I'm just questioning the suspicious person, what else?" Erza asked.

"But he save us!" Levy reply.

"That is true, but I cannot overlook the matter, that he cause with the Vulcan, why must you go extreme?" Erza asked.

"To test out, the monster of this area, ya see I'm not from around here," Gin said. "So, I wanna test out my strenght on this guys, and to my suprise, they weren't that strong,"

"There are limit, on how much power you can test out, but! To test such power, to this extreme level, is immoral," Erza said.

"Come now, what's the problem? They're monsters, and I am a human? I am merely defending myself, from them," Gin said.

"I mean... He's not wrong," Levy said.

"Tch! Fine," Erza then return her sword back to her portal.

"Good!" Gin smiled. "Violence isn't always the answer ya know? So then, about my payment?"

"Well, you want us to lead you out of this forest, right? But, where exactly do you want to go?" Levy asked.

"Where ever the wind take me," Gin said. "I'm just kidding! I have no idea, where I need to go, so a city or town, or even a village is good enough,"

"What about Magnolia?" Levy asked.

"Magnolia?" Gin asked.

"Yeah, it's not to far away from here," Levy said. "Plus, if you truly don't have any idea, where to go, how about joining Fairy Tail?"

"Levy!" Erza said in shock.

"Well, we can't leave a person, that look like he's in the same age as us, randomly, can't we, Erza?" Levy asked.

"You are right, but still, I still don't trust him," Erza said.

"Can't blame ya, after all, we did meet in a quite a bloody situation, now don't we?" Gin said in a sarcastic tone. "But, back to the Fairy Tail part, what is it? Some sort of a organization? Or a pub? Or a orphan?"

"It's a guild located in Magnolia, well, you can call it an organization, since it's run by a lot of members," Levy said.

"A guild... So they must work like how the Gotei 13 do, if it a large organization, there's no pain in joining one. After all! I still have no idea, about the geography and the system of this world... Might as well, join them, for my own benefit," Gin thought, as he soon made up his mind, and decide to accept such offer.  "Alright, then I accept,"

"Great! Master will be please, with a new member joining Fairy Tail," Levy said.

Erza looked between Levy and Gin, for a moment, she din't want this guy near the guild, what so ever. Not after, what she had witness, but Levy was right it was right, as they can't leave a kid that is probally in the same age, as they are, randomly in the middle of a forest.

"You say that your name is Gin, were willing to take you to our guild, however, I still need you to hand over any sort of weapons or dangenrous objects that you hold. I don't want to take any risk of you backstabbing us," Erza said.

"Of course," Gin said.

He then give Shinso to Erza, who then store it inside of her Requip Magic, where all her weapons and tools are safely being store.

"Please becareful with it, the sword is very important to me," Gin said.

"Don't worry, my storage won't harm your weapon, and once we arrived at the guild, I will safely return your weapon back to you," Erza said.

"Excellent! Now then, I didn't catch any of your names," Gin said.

"My name is Levy Mcgarden, this two boys behind me, are Droy and Jet," Levy introduce herself and her two teammate.

"Nice to meet ya," Jet and Droy said.

"And I'm Erza Scarlet," Erza said.

"Nice to meet you three, now, shall we move? Before the sun set," Gin said.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail and Bleach

Note: well, I'm back rewriting this story again, since I nearly forgot about rewriting my first story, also, there will be a lot of change in this rewrite. That will give a better explanation, on how, each of the characters are even in Fiore.

That is all.

Bye 🖐

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