A game

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"Claire, what are we gonna do?" Yui whined at the brown haired, black eyed girl sitting next to her on a beanbag in her room.

"We're here to study Yui, pick up your book and read to me", she replied holding Yui's book in her nicely manicured hand, purple nail polish giving her hand a pop of colour.

"Ugh, but reading for school is boring, I'll read you some of my BL," she tried to entice Claire.

"NO, that stuff is traumatizing, I don't know how you read it without getting all flustered like I do. But moving on, you have to do the work," Claire pushed.

"But I'm passing with flying colours in all my classes, I even did better then you in history," Yui huffed "You're no fun today." The blue eyed girl crossed her arms in a show of attitude. "Okay, you know what, I'll make you a deal. I'll read to you BUT, you have to play a game with me and if you lose we have to do what I want to do. Which is read my BL, and you have to sit though it." Yui laughed as the colour drained from Claire's face, pink flushing her cheeks and tips of her ears, horror apparent in her eyes. Yui looked at her and chuckled, "Fine, we can read a GL, if that's any better," Yui watched on as Claire's face flamed up even more.

Claire's mouth went agape, "No, no no no no, we can read the BL, I am so much worse at reading GL, I'll take what I can get, but don't get me wrong, I will win this game and we will be doing the work given to us. So I'll take your deal." Claire said with confidence but was blushing from her neck all the way to the tip of her ears.

"Ok, so the game we will be playing is called the pocky game, have you heard of it before?" Yui asked in excitement.

The brown haired girl head tilted slightly before slowly shaking it no, showing that she hadn't haerd of the game before now. Yui's dark blue eyes lit up behind short black hair, her excitement far higher now.

"Well now it's going to be so much more fun, ok let's play." Yui got out a box of pockys and took one out placing it in her own mouth.

"Wait wait wait, I still don't know how to play." Claire stated eyebrows raised at the happiness and excitement of the other.

"Oh yeah, well let's move to the bed, it'll be more comfy." Yui ate the pocky before continuing talking. " So how you play is, two people begin eating one pocky from each end. The first person whose mouth comes off the pocky or the other player gets to the middle first loses. If we end up kissing, it is a tie." She finished with a smile.

"O-ok." Claire said, seeming to be more and more nervous as time went on.

Yui then processed to take out another pocky and just like before place a small part in her mouth leaving the other side to be put into Claire's mouth. She placed her hand behind the blacked eyed girl's head soft brown hair underneath. she pulled Claire forward slightly to get her to put the pocky in her mouth, which she did after a couple seconds.

The race began, Yui moved forward biting a piece off the pocky getting closer to the other girl. Claire did the same but less confident. Once more Yui moved forward almost at the middle, and again Claire did the same, making their lips close together but still not touching. One last time both girls moved at once, both at the middle, soft lips meeting softer ones. But they did not pull away, only moving closer Claire pulling her hands up into Yui's short black hair.

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