Omg Beginning of the story

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(Sorry if there's any grammar/spelling mistakes, it's 1 AM 🤠)

Y/N's POV:

I was walking home, but I heard a familiar voice. It was 911 Senpai. He had said he would walk me home. How unusual, he doesn't really act like this. He usually bullies me with his friends. We have been somewhat friends since we were kids. He would always tell me to leave him alone at school. I would bring him lunch everyday. He basically hates me.

This seemed different. He was blushing, walked up to me and kissed me after walking me to my house. I was shocked. We didn't speak to each other for a week after that happened. He texted me that he liked me and asked if we could start dating. I said yes, I've liked him ever since we met. I was so happy when he confessed. We would hang out more and the bullying stopped.

OmG 911 Senpai's POV:

I was pretty popular with girls. Always have been. I didn't like any of their fake asses though. Every girl was wondering who I was with because SoMeHoW a rumor had spread around that I had a girlfriend. I really liked Y/N for the longest time but never confessed to her. Until 2 weeks ago. We are currently dating. We promised to have sex after we graduated from high school. Not immediately but somewhere around that time.

Today we went to the boba shop. It was pretty fun you could say. I had walked Y/N home and gave her a goodnight kiss. "Goodnight, ChIbi-ChaN", I had said to her. She blushed and then walked inside her house so she could go sleep. What an amazing girl I'm dating. (SuReeEe, Y/N suRe iS AmAzinG)

(Anyways that's the first chapter of this stupid story 🤠)

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